Why make this discussion about the correct procedure for adjusting so difficult. If you google the dexterservice manual, you will find ( right from the horse's mouth ) this:
Bearing Adjustment and Hub Replacement
If the hub has been removed or bearing adjustment is required, the following adjustment procedure must be followed:
1. Afterplacingthehub,bearings,washers,andspindlenut back on the axle spindle in reverse order as detailed in the previous section on hub removal, rotate the hub assembly slowly while tightening the spindle nut to approximately 50 lbs.-ft. (12" wrench or pliers with full hand force.)
2. Thenloosenthespindlenuttoremovethetorque.Donot rotate the hub.
3. Fingertightenthespindlenutuntiljustsnug.
4. Backthespindlenutoutslightlyuntilthefirstcastellation lines up with the cotter key hole and insert the cotter pin.
5. Bendoverthecotterpinlegstosecurethenut.
6. Nutshouldbefreetomovewithonlyrestraintbeingthe cotter pin.
.....and yes, I see the formatting of the text got confused, but it's easy enough to read thru it....