Blazing Zippers wrote:
I change wheels and tires in spring and fall-- aggressive snow tires for winter. So far, I've broken two wheel studs while using a torque wrench to tighten the lug nuts. They both broke at about 80 ft. lbs. of torque.
I used to take the vehicles to the company that rhymes with Squab for the semi annual tire swap, but they snapped several studs using the air guns--SO I started doing the change myself.
Maybe I need to stop buying trucks from Mexico, made with steel from China???? O.K. I've vented!!!!!
Lets get back on track here! "but they snapped several studs using the air guns" If you have paper work or they have documentation of this, then you should be talking to the store manager about on going problems, and ask them to change out all the studs again, leaving the air gun on the rack!!!!
You will then be back to a known good set of studs. At this point you do not know how many others were stretched.
To the poster above, it is called stud centric or hub centric wheels!