p220sigman wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
This thread gets funnier by the day!
It really does... :B
And the irony is that the vast majority of people change the oil (or more likely have it changed) when the vehicle tells them it is time.
Except 4x and that other guy who posted he goes double. I don't do UOA's. Don't care. I change on time or a little early or whatever my spidey sense says. Since the oil I'm "wasting" by not extending due to UOA or the 4x4ord theory costs me maybe 5 hundredths of one percent of my annual income. Or 0.0005/100.
Serious question. If Ram says 15k and Frod says 10k miles OCI, is the additional wear on Ford oil really 33% more, IE are Fords really 33% harder on the oil?