Feb-19-2014 10:05 PM
Feb-20-2014 07:14 AM
Feb-20-2014 06:48 AM
Feb-20-2014 04:56 AM
Feb-20-2014 04:55 AM
Feb-20-2014 04:49 AM
Randu wrote:
Each campground will have their own polices about early arrival and late departure. State parks are less flexible and it also depends on time of year and how full the campground is booked. Early is the less of the issues. If the sites is open you are usually allowed to go ahead and set up. Some campgrounds will charge a fee for early or late. Late is usually the more difficult and not allowed if someone else is scheduled on site. Your rights to the space expire at check out time and the next guys rights take over.
The "where to park" part is kind of wherever you can find enough space. Shopping center parking lot or other close by open area could work. Randu
Feb-20-2014 04:18 AM
Feb-20-2014 03:36 AM
Feb-20-2014 02:55 AM
Feb-20-2014 02:04 AM
Feb-19-2014 10:25 PM