Your Texas location probably still has a lot of public camp grounds places that have generator restrictions in place. Hopefully you will find a bunch of DISPERSED camping areas and private areas around some of those many lakes where you can run a generator anytime you want to.
We are really in bad shape here on the East side of the US with all kinds of generator run time restrictions inplace. No place can we run a generator after 8PM until 8AM the next morning. This is the public camp grounds and even the Natl Forest areas. Very few DISPERSED camping area around where I like to camp.
Did not want to invest a bunch of monies for the high dollar generators only to find out the only place we could use them was at home or along the side of the road somewhere... My 2KW Honda sets secured in the tail gate corner of my locked fold-a-cover bed cover area. It is out-of-sight and ready to use by just pulling it out onto the dropped tailgate. Been doing this since 2008 with my OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer...
With this in mind in my case I elected to upgrade my smaller trailer like yours to use less and less battery power and my goal was to add several batteries to be able to camp all night long running what we wanted to have running with the idea we would use a smaller generator like the Honda 2KW size at 8AM each morning when allowed to run generators to recharge our 50% depleted battery banks back up to their 90% charge state. Then we are good to go again for the next day/night run off the batteries... We can do about 12-14 of these 50% to 90% three hour charge cycles before having to do a full 100% charge without doing any harm to our batteries. A full charge in my case will take a good 12 hours which is a long time to run a generator even if we were allowed so this is usually when we head back to house for some shore power.
This lives well with all the so called rules and our 255AH battery does great for us. Have done this even in GOBER TX haha... Wife is from the North Texas area and has family buried there so we return whenever we can. We lived in the Wichita Falls TX area in mids 60s to the early 70s. Got to do alot great camping around the country side. Always enjoyed the lakes around Denison TX and really really liked heading up to OKLA and camping at Camp Doris inside the Wichita Mtns Wildlife Refuge... Always great waking up to a couple of hugh buffaloes snorting and digging dirt close by haha... Encountered a few Mountain lions as well...
Just another way to solve the generator run time restrictions...
Roy Ken