rbpru wrote:
Now I am really confused. I guess any unit will get you from point A to point B but on my last trip I wanted to know where there were gas stations and RV parks in addition to the normal poi.
Can these be loaded into a less expensive unit or do I need the $300.00 plus wonder?
I can only speak from experience with a Magellan GPS. This was the very first unit I bought and you could load POI in it via their own application. However it was not RV friendly and thus my next purchase was a Garmin 465T which is a trucker's GPS. The RV specific GPS units had not come to market at that time.
My latest purchase was the Garmin RV760. I must admit that I don"t care for the higher cost of the RV specific units but I do not like not having the ability to set the length/height/width/weight of my RV so that at least it gives me a shot at avoiding the trouble of being led down a wrong road. I have an Atlas that I carry with me but in reality I have no idea where it is stuck. I don't even know how old it is since I haven't used it in years. I use my GPS and watch the signage and have managed quite well for the past several years since buying the 465T.
All GPS units are fallible but I haven't been bitten by the RV/Truck specific units as I was once bitten by the car GPS (Magellan). I read on here that people use Google/Smart Phones/Maps/etc. etc. Personally I think that is way more trouble than I want to deal with when I am traveling. Sometimes I will use Delorme Street Atlas to map a route and port it to the GPS but that is rare that I even do that.
Generally I plug in my starting point,ending point, switch it to RV mode and just pay attention to the signage when traveling about. If I need gas/food/campgrounds I just do that on the fly and insert it as a via in the current route. This works for me but YMMV.