While there are plenty of trailers that a 1500/150 can tow within all the tv's ratings, the biggest issue is after the trailer is all loaded up, new trailer owners go and fill the bed full of heavy coolers, firewood, strap the bikes down on top in the bed, and off they drive.
The newer GM Twins (since '14) do have more payload than the previous gen trucks, and those along with the Ford trucks are really the best choice (when equipped to tow!!!) for a larger trailer. Ram just doesn't seem to have the needed payload for larger trailers without exceeding the ratings. Motor wise, all three can pull plenty (talking 5.3/6.2/5.0/Ecoboost/5.7/6.4) with the right set of gears.
Patiently waiting for a reply about the manufactures designing the trucks (is this all vehicles?) for 1.5x the ratings. I could believe maybe a 10% margin, but 1.5x???
Watch what is loaded in the truck, and you will probably be ok pending you don't add a cab high topper, or other heavy accessories that will eat the payload up. As mentioned, it all adds up very quickly!