Aug-29-2022 07:52 AM
Aug-30-2022 06:10 AM
Aug-29-2022 08:19 PM
adamis wrote:Nothing wrong with that.
Those are all home based units. The idea is to replace two large bulky items with one singular smaller bulky item that does two things. I don't need to run it forever on battery power, just an hour of runtime would be enough to do what I need to do. Anything else I could plug into shorepower. While it would be great to have something super efficient, I'm trying to eliminate bulk, not add to it.
Aug-29-2022 07:34 PM
time2roll wrote:
9k LG 17 SEER
9K MrCool 19SEER
Compared to 8.5 will produce same BTU with half the power.
38 SEER for a few $$$ more
For some reason the high SEER numbers are with 230v
Aug-29-2022 07:33 PM
theoldwizard1 wrote:adamis wrote:
It is a AC / Heater unit designed to fit under a bed or in my case the dinette seating in place of the current furnace. Granted, this is for the European market so it is setup for 240v but that is fust a flip of a switch on an inverter so not a big deal in my opinion.
I have never seen an inverter that can change from 120VAC/60Hz to 230VAC/50Hz with a flip of the switch.
I am all for heat pumps, but I would go with a known "name brand" that you can get service for before going with this one.
Aug-29-2022 06:41 PM
Aug-29-2022 06:28 PM
time2roll wrote:
If planning to run on solar-battery.... I would be looking at a 240v mini-split heat pump with 2x or 3x the SEER.
Aug-29-2022 06:27 PM
adamis wrote:
It is a AC / Heater unit designed to fit under a bed or in my case the dinette seating in place of the current furnace. Granted, this is for the European market so it is setup for 240v but that is fust a flip of a switch on an inverter so not a big deal in my opinion.
Aug-29-2022 03:19 PM
Aug-29-2022 11:15 AM
Aug-29-2022 09:13 AM
Aug-29-2022 08:52 AM
Grit dog wrote:
Not knowing what it's power draw is, can't comment on that. But cost, apparent lack of local service/support (mostly a european item, correct?) and does it have enough cooling power (for lack of a better word) since it only cools at most about 20deg F.
But I understand these considerable "upgrades" to your camper and truck are more of a hobby and not necessarily based on ROI, so go for it!
Interested to hear how well it works.
Aug-29-2022 08:23 AM