Grit you hit the nail on the head. All the ratings, parameters etc. are based on the lowest common denominator.
They are not set for the most seasoned veteran. They are not caculated for those who have BTDT. They are set for the weakest, dumbest ,most frail individual.
Why? Because those individuals are out there too. Those are the people that need the guidance. If we can keep the weakest safe and in line than we can keep everyone safe.
Should we set the speed limit based on Tony Stewart's ability?
Maybe make life jacket standards based on Michael Phelps' talent?
That is why so many get excited when we discuss ignoring certain parameters.
Or that this rating is not critical.
They all matter if you are part of the lowest common denominator crowd!
More importantly this crowd really exist and we share the roads with them everyday. We should not encourage them to do anything but follow the rules,guidelines and parameters as written.
We know the dumbest of the dumb are capable of ruining the day for a lot of experienced, seasoned genuises!...LOL