I'm glad I inspired you, you should try it , you deserve it and I understand you wanting to use the new camper. Maybe you will inspire me to buy one .
If we used the tc for weekend get-a-ways where we could monitor the weather better, we would probably still do it . We were staying in it for 20 days or more at a time. A few times we got caught in very low -20/-30 F temps and i worried about the regulator freezing up. I wrapped it with insulation and bought a spare. The one time when it did freeze, I was able to use one of my DW's 5 hair dryers ( 1 primary 4 backups) to thaw it .
If I have the op. to go up alone , i'll take the tc up as to not ruin my winter tc image :)
p.s we just returned from a week at L.Francis , Oct is close to winter ...isn't it ? Almost ??
Remember our door is always open ,