Forum Discussion

ADK_Camper's avatar
Nov 02, 2013

Winterizing black tank flush

I never did anything to winterize my built-in black tank flush (last two years). I thought it was self draining and would be ok. Fortunately I have not had any damage, but when winterizing this year I inspected some of the plumbing visible in the compartment that houses the water pump and saw that there are some elbows that definitely could trap water. My qustion is: Do ouy winterize your black tank flush, and if so how do you do it? The only simple option I can think of is to use a funnel and pour antifreeze into the inlet.
  • After I finish winterizing I just push on the check valve stem in the hook up and a little Stream of pink squirts out, so I am assuming that the line gets filled in the process. Have never had a problem or freeze up.
  • Rats, now I'm trying to remember if I blew the black tank rinser out.
  • I blow out the black tank rinser then do the same with the entire fresh water system. I then pump RV antifreeze to the toilet. Have done this for the past several years without issues. The one year I didn't pump antifreeze I had the toilet valve freeze and crack.
  • I just blow mine out with a compressor for a few minutes. The fresh water system gets "pinked."