avoidcrowds wrote:
OP stated he wanted a rear-view camera, not a backup camera. Different purposes.
I put a wired rear-view on my trailer, so I can see the narrow cars that get too close, and are not visible in the side mirrors. I like to know if there is someone there if I have to hit the brakes hard in nasty traffic.
So if you have to stop short because the guy in front of you did, but you look at the camera and see someone is tailgating....so what? Do you not stop so you don't get rear-ended?
Do you see semis with rear view cameras? What do they do about small narrow cars that tailgate? I've driven my TT in/out/through NYC more times than I can count and have never thought I needed a rear view camera while underway.
Why it's generally accepted that if you get rear-ended you are not at fault...your job as a driver is to watch the traffic ahead of you, just as it is for the guy behind you. With my mirrors I can see all the way down both sides of the trailer so I can change lanes safely. Watching a rear-view camera a) is just a distraction from looking ahead at the road where I should be focusing my attention and b) telling me about stuff that I have no control over.
I can see a back up camera to help you when in reverse so you don't run over toddlers and such, but running down the road it's more of an impediment to safety than a benefit IMO.