Ranger Tim wrote:
The AGM batteries (2) that I was using are still working. One of them only holds at 12.8 or less 30 minutes after charging to full. I don’t like to wait until batteries are so fatigued they ruin a trip. A third battery from the same batch I bought in 2016 also began showing signs of failure, so I decided it was time to make the change. I said that I was cheap, not broke! While spending big on batts like Battle Born would be great I just couldn’t do it. We’ll see if I blew my money on unreliable cheap stuff and I regret it. I will be sure to report problems.
The WFCO converter in my Wolf Creek is original equipment. It has been reliable and in use continuously - the camper has always been plugged in to shore power during storage for battery maintenance and portable heat to keep it dry during winter. I am ignorant as to the brand’s reputation. I am keeping the original board as an emergency replacement. It’s a simple switch. I am interested to see how the auto-detect performs in recognizing the LiFePO4 batts. Some people report problems getting it to work.
As far as charging voltage recommendations for LiFePO4, available advice was all over the map. I don’t know whom to believe so I just took the batt company’s recommendation that 14.4-14.6 was adequate. I’ll know soon enough if they get full or not. The main benefit of the upgrade is still a significant increase in useable current storage compared to lead acid with considerably less weight. This also makes us less dependent on a generator. Now I will only carry a genny if we want to operate the ac.
Got it, but in the spirit of individual ‘free agency’, no real need to justify your choice unless being paid for by another :h…BTW, a smart move - in your shoes I’d definitely do (and have..) the same thing :)
3 tons