I would look at it from another way. This weekend we had solid 25 mph winds with gusts to 35-40 from the west. Coming home on a north / south freeway was hold up after hold up from RV's that are big and long getting pushed and swaying side to side. Each person I passed had a death grip on the wheel and most were in a Expedition, 1/2 ton, Suburban type vehicle.
Another thought is we went to yellowstone this year and drove through the mountains. I'm glad I wasn't towing anything. You may say I would never go in the mountains however we fell in love with the place and will be going back yearly.
Both of the above is why I'm looking to buy a shorter trailer for my 1/2 ton.
Point being on a nice sunny cool day it may pull it but now add in the heat, high winds etc and think about how much fun you would be having.