If one buys a brand new trailer and immediately installs their own upgrades themselves, most dealers will Void factory warranty. Especially when it comes to suspension area upgrades. Try asking your RV dealer if they will install and "provide warranty" on +1 leaf spring pack upgrades, or +1 tire size or etc. etc. Thus, why I wait to AFTER their factory warranty time period has expired.
IMO, there's some things that should be made new factory build code - like much better STAR brake wiring. But, that's a topic for a different post.
From the RV Dealer's view, one doesn't NEED to upgrade suspension items on brand new RV. So, it isn't a concern to them. After all, their product (RV Trailer) meets minimum build specs. Thus, why I "make better myself" AFTER their warranty time period has expired.
This works for me... Especially in our current unfair world....