Forum Discussion

pmfinnegan2's avatar
Mar 15, 2014

X chocks won't open??

A few days ago I ordered the Bal X Chocks extended version. They just arrived. I ordered 2 of them. For some reason I cannot get either one of them to open or move at all. I have tried to turn the bolt/screw in both directions and nothing.

Am I missing something??
  • Mine were a pain to open, too. I had my wife pull on one side, and I pulled the other. By the way, I never again have closed them that much. It's too much turning to get them set.
  • I had to pull mine open when they came out of the box, then exercise them with the impact wrench to free them up a bit. The impact was probably over kill but I wasn't going to do it with that little wrench they sent. After a few uses they work freely by hand.
  • That was it, thanks guys. It just needed a bit of force to get it going, then all went smooth and easy. It was helpful to know which direction to extend and which to retract. Thanks again.
  • Nope pretty much that' it. Maybe you should just give it a good hard tug. Make sure your going clock wise to extend and counter clock wise to retract. Probably just a little stiff because they are new.
  • They might just be very tight. Mine get that way occasionally. Other thing to look for is to make sure the cotter pin that locks the mechanism is in place. If not, it will just spin. I think it would be very unusual for them to be missing in one, let alone both. Your wrench is locked, right?