Having done a 3-week, 6000+ mile trip with a PUP, our advice would be to make sure to plan about every 3rd day or so (at the very least) to stay 2 nights or more in one campsite. There is a lot of busy work to setting up & breaking camp anyway, more so when you have a PUP, as you have to tote things from tow vehicle to camper when setting up, and back again when breaking camp, as well as putting up & taking down the camper itself. During our trip, we ended up staying only one night in each campsite, except for one, and 2/3 of the way through the trip, DH had just about had enough. I learned after that to build in "stopovers" so we weren't going through all that work twice a day, every day!
That said, it's a great way to travel. We loved our PUP; had it 17 years.