trail-explorer wrote:
penguin149 wrote:
see complaints that it says do not keep under pressure?
Not really sure what "doesn't keep under pressure" means.
HEREThe following disclaimer directly from CWs website above..
"Not recommended to be under constant pressure."I take that to mean it is not designed to be under pressure 24/7/365 unlike REAL hoses.
It is for TEMPORARY INTERMITTENT USEAGE (pressure) and anything more than that all bets are off and doubtful the manufacturer will replace under warranty if you leave it pressured all Summer and it springs a leak.
They are not all that durable the construction is similar to a fire hose but much lighter weight construction with a very thin inside core and the outside is a woven thread which keeps the thin inside core from bursting..
I would not drive over them nor walk on them and especially if they are laying around on sharp limestone.
These are nothing new, the same idea has been floated around way back in the 1980s and they often failed after a couple of uses either seeping or springing pin hole leaks.. Back then they were sold on a reel, just reel out to use the reel it back in to store.. When you reeled it in it would flatten out.
And by the way, you CAN find these hoses elsewhere for HALF the price of CW..
Or just buy a few 10ft white hoses, I don't understand why folks think the white hoses are such a bother, buying a few 10ft hoses are easy to handle, easy to store and they will easily outlast any of those fiber reinforced hoses under constant high pressure.