Forum Discussion
Logistically it seems that making a switch like this in the "off season" might not have been a bright idea.
- mkirschDec 18, 2023Nomad II
Actually making the (forum) change during the off season is strategic genius. It reduces the grumping and grousing about how they don't like change to a dull roar so it doesn't drive off everyone. They get used to it and help the rest when they come back in the spring. New members won't know any different.
- MORSNOWDec 19, 2023Navigator II
mkirsch wrote:Actually making the (forum) change during the off season is strategic genius. It reduces the grumping and grousing about how they don't like change to a dull roar so it doesn't drive off everyone. They get used to it and help the rest when they come back in the spring. New members won't know any different.
I hope you're correct! I still think it's a hard to read and navigate the site compared to every other forum I've been a part of or moderator of. As I am getting a little more used to this weird layout, I still miss being able to right to the unread posts on a thread. I have to scroll through pages and watch the date and time stamps and figure out where I left off. Maybe if the unread were bold type like the main threads are until read?
- opnspacesDec 21, 2023Navigator II
MORSNOW wrote:I still miss being able to right to the unread posts on a thread. I have to scroll through pages and watch the date and time stamps and figure out where I left off.
Agreed MORSNOW, I'm still trying to figure out why some times I go straight to the first unread post and sometimes it goes to the first post, even if I've read it before. But you might try your settings for jump to unread posts. I'm guessing it's already set to display unread first. Then again maybe it isn't.