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Three Solar Eclipses 2017 2023 2024

Nomad II
Nomad II

VIDEO: Three Solar Eclipses 2017 2023 2024 



 Three Solar Eclipses 2017 2023 2024. Once you've seen a solar eclipse, you feel the need to see another. This time is tough because the next solar eclipse in the US of A is in about 20 or 24 years. I may not live to see it so I'll have to travel to see the next one. I'm fine with travel being retired and all. I shot 2017 using a Canon EOS 5d Mark I, a 70-200mm F2.8 L Canon Zoom and a Canon 2X L Doubler. 'for a filter, I used half of a pair of cheap solar viewing glasses they handed out free everywhere. It worked great! For 2023 and 2024, I upgraded to a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, a Sigma 150-600 Sportsman Zoom Lens, 105mm ND F22 Filter, 95mm IR/UV F18 Filter Increasing my focal length from 400mm F5.6 to 1200mm F8. The larger lens definitely made a huge difference in the image I was able to capture. The solar flares of 2024 may have not been visible if I was still limited to 400mm as in 2017. We did quite a bit of traveling to make this video and suffered several truck breakdowns and truck camper structural failures. I ended up doing more repair work on the road than I normally do at home. I hope you enjoy the video and don't forget to click LIKE, Share it to anyone interested in science and technology, if you saw something interesting, comment about it, let me know what you think. Take care.....