All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsWinter water protectionOk, this question again. What you guys do for water pipe in winter? Last year I tried heated pipe didn't work. I mean, the pipe under my rv got frozen, so I still didn't have water. So what can I do? Any suggestion?Re: RV Solar PanelThank you guys!Re: RV Solar PanelNot moving too much actually. Barely run AC overnight, just seeking alternate way sometimes shore power is not possible.RV Solar PanelKind new to the solar panel, any idea? I have a small TT, one person with 2 dogs, full-time RVer. Located in MA, somehow raining a lot in summer and snow in winter. I read some posts online shows different watt, how much do I really need? Absolutely run AC in summer. Any brand suggestion? Thanks in advance.Re: Clogged drain, any solution?So I tried baking soda with white vinegar before, nothing changed. I bought pipit today, and opened the first filter, tried to put in the zip it; but I can't. I am not able to see the drain clearly, but sure it's not p-trap. It looks like a metal panel under the pan, a really short distance from the second filter. I am not able to bent the zip it into it.Re: Clogged drain, any solution? Mandalay Parr wrote: Might call a plumber. We do have most tools for clogged drain, from small to big. But just afraid using on a RV drain.Re: Clogged drain, any solution? Dick_B wrote: I would never use any kind of drain cleaner either at home or on the RV. Go to the hardware store and buy one of those plastic drain claws that has the teeth on it facing backwards. shove it down the drain and move it around and pull out the `stuff'. Do the same at home. Thank you! Will try it tomorrow.Re: Clogged drain, any solution? time2roll wrote: Pipes and tanks are ABS, PVC or polyethylene that will not be harmed by liquid drain cleaners. Best to let standing water drain out or remove with a wet/dry vacuum before dumping in 1 or 2 quarts of cleaner. If a leak appears it is only because the clog had it sealed up. But then I have dug out plenty of cotton swabs, plastic razor covers, assorted toy parts etc that will never be cleared with a liquid drain opener. Need to open the pipes for that. In owning rentals for 40 years I have seen lots of stuff that was in a drain pipe that no one would fess up to. It just happens. You should have an access panel. The hair claw or pliers to grab the obstruction are fine too. Still I would follow up with the liquid. Probably when I remodel the RV, I will add an access panel. But it's a brand new one, only bought about half year. This does happened in the winter time and everything went ok next day; but more serious recently.Re: Clogged drain, any solution? donn0128 wrote: Take the screen off and start picking the hair out. I usually have to do mine at least once a season. Needle nose plyers really help. I do opened the upper one and but saw nothing there. :(Re: Clogged drain, any solution? time2roll wrote: I would first verify the tank is empty then use some liquid drain opener from Home Depot. I use the commercial grade black bottle. Let it work a couple hours or overnight. Repeat weekly until back to normal. Otherwise something got past the filter besides hair and soap that will need to be removed by opening the pipe fittings. Tank is empty. I tried a small bottle drain opener two times, one leave their about 1h, the other time about 0.5h, didn't see any improvement. Probably try yours again. I am kind worry about using drain opener on the rv piping; just trying to find solutions before I open the shower pan, which is a big project to me. Thank you
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