All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Awning Fabric Color Too HotWhy not switch to a woven polyester fabric instead? It is very durable and in a neutral color (ours is plain old boring tan) isn't hot. It sheds water like vinyl but will never crack. No, ours has never ripped either. I'd look at samples from many suppliers.Re: Cat boxes... tripSounds like a real ordeal. Cats will naturally head for a "hidey hole" when insecure. It's better to let them have what they want so they can gradually get used to the new home. Let them get into their own carriers any time they want. They will appreciate the private little home of their own until they feel safe in the new surroundings. We have a hole our cats can get down into that goes behind the couch so that's where they were whenever they were insecure. That changed in time. We are about to set out with 2 new cats...the other 3 have been gone for years. We will keep them in their carriers while rolling and just open the doors when we park and let them exit and explore as they will. The cat box, food and water will be where they can easily find them. It's never good to force things on any animal. Our young dog has never RVed either so, all 3 of the critters are in for a new experience and we fully expect to have issues and restless nights for a while!Re: how to remove calking on fiber glass roofSorry on two counts...yes the finger that typed the word caulk needed a talking to!!! Sorry for taking so long to reply, have been busy in the workshop all weekend. Thanks for your replies. Yes, assumed with care the heat gun will work and may also look for the product you to remove calking on fiber glass roofWe searched the archives but we cannot find a match to our request. The issue is..we have a crack in the motorhome's roof near the tub skylight and actually need to remove and rechalk almost everything on the roof since the rig is a 2002. Therefore our problem...after so much time some of the calk is the original and hardened so just scraping with a putty knife doesn't do the job. Will a heat gun be a reasonable tool to help soften the product to aid in removal? We are just assuming it will work but are there other tips anyone has for removing older calking?Re: memory foam mattress in cold RVMemory foam toppers and mattresses will get rock hard in cold weather and it doesn't have to be that cold to get very firm and take a long time to heat up. We found the best option was to heat up 2 to 4 rice bags in the microwave then put them in the bed, 2 near the middle, 2 at the feet. Do this about 15 min before going to sleep and the bed will be cozy. I made the rice bags out of knit fabric from T-shirts I used for memory quilt. I used 1 quart rice for each bag...1 minute for each bag in the microwave will get them hot enough for the bed. I you don't sew you can use the center portion of a t-shirt, cut off arms and neck square and knot one end, add rice and knot the other. For smaller rice bags use socks, again knotted to keep in the rice. Use long cooking rice not minute rice.Re: Rookie Looking For Advice on Creating Travel PlansAs others have mentioned campground directories are a good start as are road trip planning computer programs and online sites. I do like the hear of someone's opinion on a particular RV park. But there are a few things to consider and tips...for your 1st long trip out plan ahead to select the types of roads you wish to drive on & research the 1st couple of days campgrounds along that route. After that...try "winging" it day by day. However we found it has always been difficult to guarantee we will make those certain stops on time. We found it's more "fun" to stop more often and on a moment's notice to see something between stops...that throws RV park reservations "under the bus"! Online Campground directories and printed books are good but both may be out of date. Always call ahead. I found another way to "have a look"...using Google Earth look up the campground and really "look" around, especially helpful to see how easy it is to find the park. However,images may be at least 1 year old. Call ahead, at certain times of year some areas are booked, in winter they may be shut down, etc. Always arrive during daylight hours no matter how well you have researched the site. We've had issues that caused damage because of the dark. Happy Trails...Re: Side bath vs split bathOurs has the split bath with separate toilet room.We prefer it over all others. The only one room bathroom I've liked in an RV was the rear bath models. Most of the other single room bathrooms are too tight.Re: Record Low Temps in the KeysThe last time we were in the Keys in late February we arrived to high in the 50's so glad we still had the flannel sheets on but it did indeed warm up after that.Re: Bark, bark, bark continuously!I'd talk to the owner...I agree--they may not know their dog is barking while they are gone. To say the dog owners doesn't know isn't quite fair..they may indeed but give them a break...they may not. We did not know until a camping neighbor told us. So, we tested the theory...we pretended to leave, drove the car off a short ways and walked back and sure enough...he was barking. So, we began work on a solution...we made sure the windows were closed, curtains shut, the AC/heat set to run, left a fan running, and we always left a radio or the TV on so he couldn't hear any outside noise. There are toys available you can put treats in to keep them busy if they like toys, but our dog did not. It may also work to take the dog for a long walk and have a long play session to wear them out a bit. The owner may know the dog well enough to be able to find a good solution. Some dogs just can't handle being left alone in a strange place even though the RV is their home. You can jump to the end and call the office but why not think like a fellow pet owner and chat with the owner 1st!? If they are rude and refuse to do anything...then it's time for you to call the office.Re: RV SheetsWe have some sheet clips that slide over the sheet and rope/ribbing on the mattress edge. They are easy to put on when you 1st make up the bed and keep the sheet tight as a drum. I've not seen them for years...I think we bought one set at bed bath and beyond but I'd check online places too like Amazon or Ebay. If you sew at all you can redo one end to make the sheet shorter. But I use the clips no matter if the sheets fit or not...I also hate wrinkled sheets. I just checked in sheet grippers...they have 2 different ones. I put them on the lower/close to the platform edge of the mattress over the sheet. It take a bit of practice to get them over the cording but once you get the technique down it's fairly easy. You can buy enough sets to put on all 4 sides (2 per side) if you want to. good luck!
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