All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: No scheduled maintenance on Ford SuperdutyFluid change intervals for automatic transmisison fluids are related to fluid oxidation/fluid additive depletion over a test cycle that is meant to represent an assumed worst case operating pattern for the oil. The ULV fluid utilized in the 10R140 utlizes a very refined base oil (Type III base stock) that results in a very stable fluid with stable viscoisty over the life of the fluid. It is this hihg quality base stock combined with the fluid's additive package that defines the lifespan of the oil. The stability of this oil is what drive's the high mielage fluid change recommendation. While changing fluid more often may seem like a good thing, fluid changes do carry the risk of introducing contaminants into the system, particulary if the shop does not use fluid exchange equipment. Modern automatic transmission controls are very sensitive to small particle contaminants so a shop that is not careful wtih their fluid change procedures runs the risk of introducing contaminants into the transmission fluid that can be detrimental to the valve body resutling in valve silting and sluggish valve operation. For this reason I generally am not a fan of early fluid changes unless the fluid has been subjected to a severe duty cycle (extended towing at maximum vehicle capabiltiy in high ambient temperature on grades, for instance).Re: Trailer Life Forum going belly up?I want my old Trailer LIfe magazine back also. I can not find anything useful in the new magazine and will not be renewing my subscription.Re: Best 14” trailer tiresI've run Goodyear Endurance's on a large fifth wheel and had good luck with them (much better than with the OEM China tires). These were load range E tires on a 40 ft fifth wheel so they were running near their load limit. The rubber held up well over time and did not weather check and the tread wore well. I woudl buy them again.Re: 2019 NISSAN PATHFINDERTransmsission engineers have dreamed of the perfect belt drive CVT for years ... you are trying to control a steel on steel friction interface between belt and two sets of variators. Both parts have to be heat treated to very high hardness and the variator surfaces need to be ground and polished to a tightly controlled surface finsih specificaiton. You put a very high pressure pump on the transmission and use hydraulc pressure to set clamping force and always make sure that you don't undershoot on force because the slightest slip of the belt destroys the variator surface. My opinion, the perfect belt drive CVT doesn't exist. The only CVT I care for is the hybrid powersplit designs used by Ford and Toyota as they use a gear set and electric generator to set ratio. My first rule is real automatic transmissions have a torque converter, at least one one way-clutch, and transfer torque via planetary gear sets.Re: Hit a bump and lost my transmissionRelative to your original question on the rebuild ... a well done rebuild by a qualified transmission mechanic should last and be durable. The valve body can be the most troublesome part of a rebuild ... you indicatd they installed a new valve body on the transmission ... so provided they flushed contamination out of the cooler, flushed or put a rebuilt converter in, cleaned the main barrel parts throughly, and installed a filter in the cooler line to catch any residual contamination you shouldn't stick any valves. It is probably worth looking at your invoice to see what was replaced beyond a standard rebuild kit (friction and seals).Re: Flat Towing Lincoln Navigator with Driveshaft DisconnectSuperBus do you have heavy duty trailer tow with the 2 speed transfer case (i.e. do you have a 4x4 low position)? The two speed transfer case does have a neutral position (owner's manual has instructions on how to achieve neutrla) so can be flat towed as indicated in Ford towing guides and your owner's manual. Keep in mind that when the transfer case is in neutral you are bypassing the park pawl in the transmisison so use of wheel chocks to secure vehicle is advisable to prevent unintended roll-away. On the one speed transfer case there is not a neutral position so not flat towable without aftermarket driveline disconnects.Re: Galveston area things to doI second visitng the USS Calvalla, it is well worth seeing and because it is on land easy to access. There is also a sea turtle hatchery on the island that is interesting to visit.Re: Atwood hot water heater thermostat questionJust for info most Atwood/Dometic water heaters have a front mounted thermostat that controls the 12V propane circuit and on the back of the heater there is a second thermostat that controls the 110V element. If you only change the front thermostat it will impact the propane temperature but will have no impact on the electric element temperature. Unless you have a rear access panel or access to the back of your water heater you will need to remove the water heater to access the thermostat for the electric element (at least on any Atwood I have experience with). You can verify this information by reviewing the wire diagrams in the manual to your water heater.Re: Morryde Step AboveI am happy with our Step Above, when in use it is a very stury step and because it stores inside the trailer it doesn't rust and get stiff like the older steps did. Also, it will adust to accomodate pretty much any site so I no longer have to carry an extra step/stool to accomodate unlevel sites where the front of the traielr ends up high.Re: And the smokey glass stove cover is no moreIs thsi what you are looking for? Furion Top Glass
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