All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Trying to find a spot"I spilled spot remover on my dog, now I can't find him..."Re: What's in a name? bigarm wrote: Well, we are fairly weird. When we built our house and moved to Montana 10 years ago, our kids asked what we called our property. We said "Cole's Hole" as kind of a joke. The kids had a stone engraved with "Welcome to Cole's Hole" so it stuck. We then a pit dug for underlayment for the driveway and decided to make it into a shooting pit which became "Cole's Other Hole". My shop became "Cole's Wood Hole" and when we put up a building to house the wood lathe, it became "Cole's Chuck Hole". So when we bought our toy hauler it became "Cole's Road Hole" and the new truck became "Cole's Tow Hole". Better hope nobody ever gives you a donkey...Re: Great time to be in Colorado RedRocket204 wrote: Summer last weekend with winter having returned yesterday/today. Hoping for summer by Sunday. I remember what an old miner from Climax told me once: "I'm gonna go camping this summer, if it falls on a weekend!"Re: The Most Useful and Least Useful Gadget Bought schlep1967 wrote: 2milesup wrote: A wedding ring... So is that on the most useful side or the least useful side? I'll let ya know if I ever figure it out. Or if she tells me.Re: The Most Useful and Least Useful Gadget BoughtA wedding ring...Re: Minot ND suggestions. 1995brave wrote: A couple old military saying some might remember. "Why not Minot" and how about "Once on it, you can't get Offutt" for Offutt AFB, NE. The way we said it: "Why not Minot?" "Freezin's the reason!" :WRe: Gold Camp Rd, CO. Veebyes wrote: fanrgs wrote: Veebyes wrote: Fanrgs, any road good enough for a MG is plenty good enough for my TV. Just to clarify, we took the MGs on the paved High Park Road, not on the gravel Gold Camp Road. We try to stay on paved roads when driving top down to reduce caravan dust for those unfortunates bringing up the rear! As for being near a mechanic, anyone with a car that old is his own mechanic. Plus we travel with tools, extra parts, cell phones, and, when we are not near a cell tower, 2-way radios in the first and last cars. The club trip last fall covered 1,200 miles in Colorado and New Mexico, which doesn't include the 50 miles traveled through the gold aspen-covered hills by "train" (Galloping Goose #5) on the C&TS Railroad. Reminds me of a joke from a British car website: Q: Why haven't the British developed a computer industry? A: They can't figure out how to get a computer to leak oil. :W Re: Where are you NOT camping this summer. AJBert wrote: I won't be camping anywhere outside the state of Colorado. Truthfully, there is no need to from my point of view. And, yes, I have been around the US and the world a few times over. Not to say I've seen everything there is to see but I enjoy my home much more than all of the traveling. Indeed. We'll be wishing we still were there this summer. The first time my BIL visited after we moved to Leadville, he looked around from my deck and asked, "Where do you go when you go camping? You're already here!"Re: Dual pane windows - how do you know?Shoot a bullet through it. 2 holes = 2 panes. Just kidding, don't do this. At least not in any campground that I'm in...Re: How to stop neighboring campers from AmericalVette wrote: When someone continually does that, I just offer them a cold beer and ask if they are interested in gay animal porn. They seem to steer clear and never make eye contact with me again. Just be sure to have a plan for the guy who licks his lips and says, "Ooh! Yes!"
GroupsBucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 PostsRV Newbies We all start out new. Share lessons learned or first-time questions!Mar 08, 20254,028 PostsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Mar 12, 202544,028 Posts
Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts
RV Newbies We all start out new. Share lessons learned or first-time questions!Mar 08, 20254,028 Posts