All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsTruck Camper Exterior Repair/RenoDH and I bought a 1991 Six-Pac 6.0 a year ago. The best selling point on Craigslist was "no funky smells or leaks." The interior was in pretty good shape after we replaced the cushions and such. This summer I had to replace the domes for the hatches and have done a few other minor repairs, but this winter I'm hoping to do some work on the exterior. I'm hoping you all can share your experience with me on some of the work I'd like to do. 1. There are Rieco-Titan hydraulic jacks on the camper that have probably never been maintained. I was thinking of getting the maintenance kit and rebuilding the jacks. Has anyone done this? How much of a pain is it? 2. The roof of the camper isn't leaking but it looks like a crazy person attacked it with silicone caulk. It also looks like someone made some repairs to the seams a while ago. I was thinking about cleaning it all up and resealing the roof with the Dicor roof sealant. Again, what's your experience? 3. The underside of the camper hasn't been maintained either. The plywood is fine but the paint is all pealing. Should I just paint it or should I try something like Rust-Oleum's Leak Seal rubber stuff? Ever used this on a camper? Thanks! P.S~ FYI, even though I'm a girl, I am an accomplished mechanic and carpenter. :) I've just never owned a truck camper.
GroupsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Mar 05, 202544,027 Posts