All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsSouth to North or North to SouthA small but growing number of our RV friends are using their Southern home as a base and visiting up North in the summer. See any disadvantages to this? I am already spending almost seven months in the South, so I am not too far from making the conversion myself.Re: Travel Trailer Depreciation?I would be reluctant to call anyone else foolish when it comes to buying RV's. A few folks on here may claim to buy low and sell high but the vast majority of us look at it as the cost of entertainment. If one can purchase at a hugely discounted price and sell in a seller's market, the financial loss may not be terrible. The joy of rving can be priceless.Re: F350, 3500HD, or RAM 3500?There might be a reason to buy a Ford or a Ram, like if your brother in law sells them, but otherwise you might as well get the best. Spelled GM.Re: Using 1 Battery only"Will anything bad happen if I just use one battery?" Only if you opt for a six volt battery.Re: Our First TT, will it be a hobby nightmare?Tundra, and other similar pickups are "Rated" to tow over 10,000 pounds, but that is not always a good idea. Check out things like payload and other user reports before purchasing a travel trailer that approaches that mythical limit. Many people find it much more fun to tow under their maximums rather than over them. Get real world weights on everything before signing the check.Re: Life expectancy of RV Air Conditioners j-d wrote: An RV A/C unit is your basic "window A/C" used for years before "central air." Just rearranged for rooftop operation. Window units last a long time and so do RV units. As long as the campsite provides steady good voltage and amperage, and you keep the coils clean, you'll be OK...Really! One caution - If your South Texas site is on a beach, salt spray will rust/corrode everything. Your coach, your toad, your lawn chairs, your A/C, you name it. Thanks. I wondered if they would have similar service lives to window units.Re: Life expectancy of RV Air ConditionersI know that they will run many years in normal RV use, my concern is how long one will last in what amounts to darn near 100% duty cycle for months at a time.Life expectancy of RV Air ConditionersI am thinking of spending summers in South Texas where the AC will be running almost constantly for three or four months. I wonder how long one will last? Mine is an almost brand new Coleman 13,500 unit.Re: Question about GVWR.Licensing requirements (taxes) are the reason for the dual GVWR ratings. Has nothing to do with GVWR or RAWR. Completely irrelevant to the discussion.Re: Question about GVWR. JIMNLIN wrote: They offer a 11200 GVWR or a 10000 GVWR for the exact same configured truck/same GAWRs/same engine and tranny /same frame/same brake specs/same tire and wheel packages/etc ,just a different GVWR numbers. And the reason has anything at all to with RAWR? Or local taxes? You lost me on this sidetrack.
GroupsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Mar 12, 202544,028 Posts