So, I heard a pop up around the slide motor, and now when I’m bringing it in, it jumps about every 2 seconds. Thinking the gearbox is going. Saw a video on YouTube, wondering if anyone has actually done one with success or failure.
Can anyone help me find some fenders, and body panels for a keystone sprinter that lost out in an argument with a blowout. I know there has to be somewhere they can be had outside of the dealer.
kellem wrote:It's usually just a couple of screws on interior trim to access motor. Inspect, could be as simple as loose chain.Thanks, I’ll check that as well.
guidry wrote:The popping you hear is either the gear teeth breaking or the chain slipping on the missing teeth. You will need to change out the gear motor. I had to have the main slide motor changed two years ago. You could do it yourself via YouTube...
Not the receiver hitch type. One I'm looking for has hinged brackets welded to the frame. It folds down for travel, and can be raised up and pinned when not using. Have a pic, but cannot get this site to upload.