All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Crossing into CanadaAfter doing a Goggle search on " How many US states offer a enhanced driver's licence " I found this . FIVE US states offer a "enhanced driver's licence" Here is the link, read it for your self. I wouldn't say that five states is " MANY " would You ? link. AND, information from a friend who works for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, in the enforcement section, I am told that EDL is going to be removed from the list of "approved documents " for entry into Canada, soon. As in later THIS year. Jim B. In Toronto.Re: US/Can entry and exit passport scanning planA short example of how computer linkage can trip up cheaters. A Canadian, who was drawing Employment Insurance payments, because he was "out of work" decided that a two week vacation in Mexico would be nice in February, so he booked a flight from Winnipeg. Had a wonderful time............. Until he was stopped by the CBSA agent, as he arrived back in Winterpeg. Have a nice time in Mexico, ? Yeah, great. CBSA guy says, look for a letter from the Feds asking about HOW you could be "ready and able to work " while out of the country for 2 weeks ??? Seems that one Federal Government department ( Employment Insurance ) was able to talk to another Federal Government computer ( CBSA ). I think that would be a case of "fraud " by deception, right ?. My point is simple, the computers are watching. Jim B. Toronto.A day of mourning in Canada.This topic has been moved to another forum. You can read it here: 27761034Re: Some Questions About New Brunswick and Nova ScotiaAlthough Canadians are friendly people, we also have quite a problem with SOME US visitors, who insist on bringing their guns, and especially, hand guns, into Canada. The Canadian Border Services Agency is responsible for inspecting every vehicle that attempts to enter Canada, as well as the people in the vehicle. One of the warning signs , that will result in increased scrutiny at the border, are visible emblems, such as NRA and USMC decals. Past experience has shown that it is more likely that CBSA will find undeclared firearms in vehicles that have such identifiers on them. Across Canada, at ports of entry, CBSA officers find and seize undeclared firearms, on a DAILY basis. In a calendar year, that amounts to hundreds of weapons, of all types, that have not been declared by US visitors to Canada. In some cases, that results in a jail sentence in a Canadian prison. At the least, the weapons are seized and the person who had them is banned from Canada for 10 years. Canada and the USA share a common information data base, that both sides can look at, while interviewing a incoming vehicle, and the passengers in it. If you have been convicted of a US felony, or have outstanding local, State or Federal warrants out for you, it will be in the data base. The same for firearms registrations, and past entries to Canada. The exact same rules apply to both Americans, and Canadians, when it comes to entering the other country. Rifles and shotguns can be legally imported in to Canada, by US visitors, but there is a proper procedure to follow, and it requires a application form, and a inspection and identification of the serial numbers, and the payment of a fee, at the port of entry, to the CBSA officer, who reviews the application. This is the law in Canada. Link to a news report, from British Columbia, where a Florida man was arrested by CBSA, at the Coutts port of entry, with 45 hidden hand guns in his vehicle, on route to Alaska. He also had hundreds of rounds of hand gun ammunition, as well . A 74 year old California man was found to be smuggling hand guns into Canada, while supposedly on a 'fishing trip ". He was arrested by CBSA at the Fort Erie, Ontario, port of entry, across the Niagara river, from Buffalo New York . Just a few of the dozens of news stories about this topic, from Canadian news sources. Jim B Toronto.Re: 2 men shot - confrontation at campgroundSo, should we assume that "Alaska State Troopers " is not factual ? I don't think it is scripted, do you ? Seriously, Alaska has a huge alcohol and drug use problem, that is just amplified by the availability of guns. Jim B. Toronto.Re: Going it alone--and femaleTo the original poster.......... Remember that as of July of 2009, the US Government requires every person, including US citizens, to present a valid passport, to enter, or re-enter , the USA. As a result of that American law, Canada ALSO wants to see your passport, or an enhanced driver's license, from one of the few US states that issue them. Or a Nexus card. Nexus is a program for those that are "frequent border crossers ' and it requires an application and a back ground and criminal records check, by both Canada and the USA, to get one. It is unlikely that a ordinary tourist will have the need for a Nexus card. A further reminder, to my American friends, that intend to enter Canada..........We have very strict firearms regulations here, and they are national, meaning that the exact same laws apply in all parts of Canada. Rifles and shotguns CAN be imported, but it requires that you meet specific regulations and are prepared when arriving at the port of entry, to fill out the paperwork, have your weapons identified, and then pay the cost of the permit. In addition they must be unloaded, and the ammunition must be secured, in a separate lock box. Oversize rifle magazines are not allowed in Canada, as are Teflon tipped ammunition. We call those "cop killers ". Hand guns are prohibited in Canada, and very few Canadians have either the need or the legal right to have one. Even our Canadian Police officers are NOT armed, when off duty. So, be aware, and obey our laws while in our country. Jim B. Toronto.Re: Canadian Liquor PricesI know that many Americans complain about "high prices in Canada " for alcohol, and fuel...........But I will remind everyone that those taxes are part of the way that we fund our universal health care system. So, buy a case of beer and help pay for my future medical treatments, ( grin ). Seriously, with a national population that is NINETY percent smaller than that of the USA, is it any wonder that prices are higher in Canada ? Add to that the size of our country, and the distances that goods have to travel, and of course costs will be higher. Jim B. Toronto.Re: Canadian Auto Insurance CardI know that most of the Americans who read this section are probably heading to Alaska........but I thought that I would post this section of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, about what happens here to a person who is driving without insurance . In Ontario, the minimum fine, after being convicted in a court, for "driving with out insurance " is Five Thousand Dollars, and the vehicle is impounded, and the person's driving license is suspended for a year. And, after being convicted for that offence..... good luck finding a insurance company that will cover you. A second conviction, for driving with out Twenty Five Thousand Dollars, and a year in jail. link to HTA. So, yes , we are very serious about this subject, in Canada. Jim b Toronto.Re: Canadian Auto Insurance CardSome US States have VERY low liability requirements. Not so in Canada, where the minimum required liability coverage is a million dollars, and in some Provinces, like Ontario, there is an additional requirement for injury and rehabilitation payments. So, If a US driver is involved in a "at fault accident" in Canada, their US insurance may be less than adequate. The whole point of the "Canadian interprovincial liability card " is to prove that the US insurance policy meets the "basic liability levels" that are required in Canada. SOME US automobile insurance policies have NO coverage, outside of US territory. THAT could really cost you a lot of money, if you are not insured, and you are driving in Canada. Remember that in Canada, Police can legally stop you, and check that you are a fully qualified driver, that your vehicle is properly licensed, and INSURED. Jim B. Toronto.Re: Newfoundland tourismProfdant: Perhaps you might want to consider a flight and a local rental, instead. The flight time to get to St Johns from California, is about 5/6 hours. Do a bit of research about renting a RV in Newfoundland for costs, compared to driving, and the time factors, as well. Remember that in addition to the actual driving time, you have to add on the ferry crossing time and costs, as well. There are two ferry options, the short one to the west coast of the island, and the long over night one to Argentia, on the south east coast, nearer to St Johns. Argentia was a US Navy base for many years, servicing subs and east coast fleets. Some US Navy members married women from Newfoundland, and some are now retired and living in Newfoundland, on a US Navy pension. You are right, the production values of those Newfoundland TV ads are very good. All of the people are locals, not actors. Jim B. Toronto.
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Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts