All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Diesel vs gas......................Tom Hoisenger, You might be fooled by your Cruiser. We have been fulltiming in one for over 5 years and we have been extremely pleased wioth its performance. We had one problem when it was 4 months old, which Crossroads promptly took care of. We have looked at a lot of so called full time units with their glitz and glitter. The Cruiser works, without issues, so we will stick with it. In my opinion going with a gas engine, even a V10, just is false economy, not to mention the increase in power avaiable on a diesel in high country. 8000' feet, 24% loss in HP on any gasser. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................We have a 29CK Cruiser in which we have full timed for 5+ years. We tow it with our 2500 Dodge CTD, 97000 miles on the clock, not all towing. Combination works great for us. No way would I tow 12-13k with gas. Just my opinion based on our experience. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................I guess you make up numbers as you go since you don't have a clue. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................Hannibal, Just for the record my 29CK has a sticker on the side listing the GVW as 11,865 and being a fulltimer it weighs, per scales 11,655. We have towed it allover the east including some 2 lane 12 percent grades. For someone who claims to have owned several diesels you don't seem to understand the fact that my CTD has 325 hp and 600 pounds of tourque. The tourque is 600 pounds at 1600RPM. I don't exagerate. You sir, are either mistaken in your thoghts or seriously lack knowledge about pulling RVs. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................Hannibal, Your logic makes no sense. We run grades at 58MPH at 2kRPM. all day long, which is our normal cruising speed, flat or hills pulling as almost 12k 5er. 65 to 70 is just not comfortable pulling 12k with 15" trailer wheels. Just my experience from 5 years of fulltiming and almost 90K miles. No strain, no sweat. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................Get the diesel. I have one and tow an almost 12k fifth wheel. No problems in hills or mountains. We run at a stady 58mph up grades wit at 2000rpms. Try that with a gasser. Cigar Mike.Re: Diesel vs gas......................Don't believe the 11K weight on a 150. There is only one version rated 11K out of some 50 combos of engine, tranny, bed, type of body and it starts with 2 door version. I suggest you check on Fords Towguide on the exact unit yoiu are looking at. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................"Pass Diesels on mountain passes". Keep on dreaming. Cigar Mike.Re: Diesel vs gas......................Tankerhed, Physics is physics. Any naturally aspiritited engine looses 3% every 1000ft of increase in elevation. Fuel injection makes no difference. Only way to overcome the loss on a gas engine is with a supercharger on your gas engine. Cigar MikeRe: Diesel vs gas......................Tankerhank, All I can say in response to your post is "DREAM ON". Unles you have a turbo charger on your engine you lose 3% per 1000 ft. of altitude. That sir, is a fact. I also doubt that your particularly configured Tacoma will haul 10,300 pounds. Cigar Mike
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