All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Anyone put a truck camper on a trailer?Since one of the pictures above was my rig, I should comment. I used it to move and store the camper each Winter. Not sure I would have been comfortable going long distance with my rig but I did tow it about 10 miles to storage ever Fall and back in the Spring. This allowed me to store my camper and trailer inside for the Winter for the price of one spot. Would not have taken much more for me to feel comfortable going on long trips. I have since switched to a B van. I agree with Valhalla above that unless you already gave the slide in a small pull behind would give you a lot more space.Re: Video Editing SoftwareAnother vote for iMovie on a Mac. Been using it for many years and it id free. Not real fancy but it is great for simple editing. Glad it worked for the OP and it is free if you have a Mac.Re: Drain the bowl save the HondaI have run 100LL Av Gas in my Honda for years probably close to 20 years. It is our house backup generator so it doesn't get the hours an RV generator would get but it runs fine and AvGas has a shelf life of 10+ years without additives. I still drain the bowl but after giving a few light pulls to prime every thing it starts on a couple more pulls after sitting for a year sometimes. Been thinking I should test start it because I put 4KW of Lithium as a backup in the house that I can charge with the Honda if power is out more than a few hours and it has been awhile since I have need it. AvGas is expensive but so is generators repair and additives.Re: Propane RefillsBefore I switched to an all electric B, I had four 20lb tanks that I used one at a time in my camper. I kept a chart of the 4 tanks and how much they weighted when full and after each outing and notes on the trip. So I knew were I was for the next trip. Repeat trips that I did every year I knew about how much LP I would probably used. Some trips I used partial tanks others I started full. I tried to get close to empty before refilling and more than one tank before I made a trip for refilling at a location that filled by meter. I stoped using one supplier when my records showed they consistently under filled for what they charged. I like several above only used the prefilled tanks to get better expiration dates. Using the above record keeping, I only ran out on the road once.Re: Best spam blocker appI use my own variation of blocking calls that are not in my contact list. From day one I only gave out my number to selected people, I put them in a group in my contacts and assign them a special ring all other calls get just a vibration and a silent ring tone. If I'm not busy and a feel a vibration I look at the screen, if they are in my contact list their name shows up and must have gotten my number from one of the people on my accepted list and I'll answer. Unknown go to voice mail. I almost never get a legit call from someone not in my list of people I gave my number to. My method doesn't work if you number is already everywhere, but you can make a list of who you want to really talk to. I consider my phone is for my convince not other people. I get very few spam calls since my number has never been sold by all kinds of companies that ask for my cell number since they don't get it. I also add all spam calls I get to the blocked list built into the phone.Re: electric RV appliancesMy current B is all electric. I was skeptical when we bought it but it is a fairly minimal B to begin with and it has worked out well. I wish I had more battery and some solar but we only are in no power camping situations once sometimes twice a year. We bought a small butane/propane 1 burner to cook on when we are off the grid and use a cooler. We enjoy a refrigerator that doesn't have to be perfectly level and works well and gets cold fast. I'm thinking of adding more battery power, not sure of the solar because of the shape of my roof. I never use the generator just too noisy. If I can find a shop that does fabrication work I may have the generator removed an a large storage/battery box installed.Re: Wifi a long way away from RV site.I made one years ago with one of those add on WiFi thumb drive WiFi adapters and an old collapsable colander for a reflector. Jim...Re: Sources for a new/used Jack-knife couchCan't help on a replacement, ours our 24 years old and were not comfortable so we went a different way. We bought two of these from Amazon, self inflating sleeping pads. I put some tie down loops on the wall and keep them rolled up and Velcro strapped to the back corners of the seat. They are very comfortable and if we don't need the space we just leave one bed down and stack them for day storage and only roll them up at the end of the trip.Re: AA and AAA Rechargeable BatteriesI use Panasonic Eneloop batteries, I have a bunch of them in AA and AAA. They don't seem to go bad. some I have are 15+ years old. I fairly recently bought a set of lithium AA that were rated 50% more power than the Eneloops and don't last as long, I would guess 70% as long, at least in low current draw applications. All were bought from Amazon just because it was easy. I have had several chargers, by a good one that can charge at least 4 cells individually because some times you only need to charge 1 or 3.Re: PrinterLooks like Brother laser printers have plenty of love already but count me in. I bough the first 17 years ago when I retired from Xerox and didn't have free printing anymore. decided I wanted an auto duplex machine with bigger paper tray so sold/gave the first one to a friend that still uses it and its replacement is going strong. I tried cheap generic cartridges but the quality was not as good and didn't last as long so now I only use OEM cartridges. My current one got to the the number of copies it thought I needed to change the drum, did some magic stuff off the internet and it reset the drum to zero copies an is still going strong. I went with separate scanner printer because I wanted a better quality scanner.
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