All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Aming Direct TV satlitte DishCould you tell about your antana your setting up. It all makes a differance.Re: Tiffin discount?Sorry Dennis but FREE is always a good stating point.Re: BoB Tiffin "Standup Guy" Just Cruzzin wrote: I had the bad experience of retracting the driver side slide while the seat was not clear and bent the driver seat, good lord now what. I returned our new (3 week old) Open Road back to our dealer "Mike Thompson's RV" in Fountain Valley CA only to find out 3 days later their quote to repair is $2200.00 "WHAT?" So our extend warranty only kicks in after the first year. So we decided to call BoB Tiffin in Red Bay and I was quite surprised to get him on the phone. We explained what happened and BoB Tiffin said he would send a new driver seat to them at "no" cost to me. I can truly say BoB Tiffin is a standup businessman we surly lucked out buying a Tiffin coach. I can tell you our next upgrade will be another Tiffin, so Thank You BoB Tiffin. :C:C Have always heard good things about Mr. Tiffin. Since it seem's you bennifited 300.00 to 400.00 for a free chair you should get back with Bob and tell him to show your appreciation you'd like to make a 100.00 donation to his favorite charity. Just a thought.Re: Headlight Lens covers3 M kit at any parts store. 19.99 and mine came out like new. Tried a bunch of the liquid cleaners with no luck.Re: GPSGarmin RV 760 LTM this dude even tells you which lane to be in for exits. Love mineRe: Looking for a Sofa Bed in SoCalCall Mike at Villa RV furniture. Heck of a kid my experiance with him was great. Villa International 13760 Midway Street Cerritos, California 90703 Toll-Free: 888-707-7272Re: Anyone ever hear of a Vogue III Luxery motorhome?Great motor home in the day. I can remember being at Fishing Bridge early 80's and a dude pulled in with a brand new one. Put my fancy Pace Arrow in its place quick. No compairing my Fleetwood product or anything else built back then to a Vouge I thought. The new proud owner explained everything to me as he showed me through it. We were outside of the Vogue talking when a brand new Wonderlodge came in and parked. All I can remember was how big the tires were on it. I had heard about them but never seen one up close. It was a grand night for my little 28' PaceArrow parked in the middle of two of what I consider of the best coaches built and definetly to major foreerunners to all coaches built today. Funny how you remember things, my Pace was a 79 and cost me a wopping 28,000 large, traded a boat car and custom van for it.Re: Montana LLC wnytaxman wrote: Billinwoodland wrote: wnytaxman wrote: Being a fulltimer allows you to pick and choose whichever state you desire. As others have said, South Dakota, Florida and Texas appear to be the states that most use. No problem with the Montana LLC if you use South Dakota according to what others have posted. Why would you even bother with a Montana LLC if you did a domicile in South Dakota? You would be a SD "resident" and thus I do not see any tax advantage to a MT LLC. Using the Montana LLC would save the sales tax on the purchase. Apparently South Dakota does not chase fulltimers who use the Montana LLC's which would free up the purchaser on the sales tax and any other charges that SD might levy but Montana doesn't. Also an LLC is not a bad idea from an asset protection standpoint. I belive in order to register you coach in South Dakota you must prove to the state you paid the sales tax when you bought the coach. At least I had to five years ago when I registered mine there.Re: Help / Stranded / RV will not start /Road Service is no helpHad somewhat the same problem, hot wire shed start otherwise no go. My problem was a relay but I can't remember if it was in the rear panel or the front panel in the front of coach drivers side.Re: Theft from Coach while at DealerI'm sure you did this but did you check with the police to see if any of your other goods were recovered? Just a thought>