All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: New tongue jack humblerb wrote: Love our electric, but much longer trailer than you have. Before you buy a new jack, check one thing. I actually had a sheer pin break while I was working on my set up. I didn't want to drag the cord out, so I was jacking manually. Might not be your problem. But a sheer pin is a lot less than a new jack. Good luck. I pulled the rubber plug off the top and I could see the vertical gear being worn and not fully engaging with the horizontal gear. It also got stuck at one point and wouldn't rotate in either direction.New tongue jackThe tongue jack on our Dutchmen 18b has decided to stop working. The gears might be stripped/worn/chipped as it just will spin occasionally. It happened as I was hooking up to my truck to take it to the BBQ cook off I am doing this weekend. I was able to unhook there, but it acted up again. So, I need another one. It is a side crank model. This is my first RV, so it's my first experience with this issue. I assume this is a standard part that is relatively universal? Any recommendations? I wouldn't mind an electric one, but it might not be worth it.Re: Awning lightsIs there a cheaper source for these lights? The wifey likes the big colorful globes, but the sets we found were quite pricey and didn't even include the bulbs.Re: Change in Atwood drain plug size?I ended up using a wire brush to clean up the threads a bit and the new plug went in better. It seems to be holding. Thanks for the help. That one threw me for a loop.Re: Change in Atwood drain plug size?I have the Atwood part (91857) in a two pack. It just seems too big for the drain. There isn't much of a taper to the new one. I can hand tighten the old one all the way in, but the new one stops after a thread or two. If I tighten it with a wrench or socket, it gets crooked.Change in Atwood drain plug size?I have a 2005 Dutchmen Lite 18B and the drain plug was spraying water. IT has the Atwood water heater. I bought the replacement plugs at the dealer, but they seem a tad too big to fit. Any effort to screw it in causes the plug to get crooked and almost cross thread. The stock plug still threads in easily. Did they change the drain plug size over the years? I can run to Lowes for a replacement nylon plug or two, but it would be easier if I knew the actual size.Re: where to put babyWe took our first camping trip last weekend with the 17 month old twins. We ended up Putting the two pack and plays on the front futon (PO replaced the built in sofa) and secured a bungee strap just for extra insurance. It worked well enough. I had to use a beach towel under a couple of the legs to level the makeshift cribs out.Re: Did some damage to the TTI guess I feel a little bit better about things. I just hate doing damage to something that we just used once. It's not exactly a new camper to begin with and I was hoping the repairs wouldn't more than the thing is worth. I have some more maintenance and minor fixes/upgrades to do to it now that we used it once. I'm more embarrassed than anything. I am not looking forward to the grief I am sure to receive from the neighbors if I attempt this repair. They have done worse in the past, so I know it is all in good fun. Where is a good spot to get Dutchmen RV parts? Do I go to a local dealer? Is there someplace online that would work?Did some damage to the TTWe had our first camping weekend in our recently acquired 2005 Dutchmen 18b and I was trying to put it back into the storage unit before the heavy rain started. While backing in, I caught the rear corner trim on a beam and it pulled away when I pulled up to straighten the camper out. It's only the third time I put the camp;er into the storage unit and the previous two attempts were successful. I guess I was rushed and not as careful as I should have been. So, now I have something that needs to be fixed before our next adventure. It looks like The only thing that was damaged was the corner bead. I did not damage any of the metal that makes up the sides or rear of the camper. What am I looking at for a possible repair cost? I am pretty handy, but I will probably take it down the street to a local RV shop to have it fixed. I'm trying to get an idea so I won't be caught off guard by the price quote. Re: using trailer brake controllerI found a GM produced video on YouTube that was very helpful when learning how to the trailer brake in my Sierra. Much easier to understand than the manual.
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RV Newbies We all start out new. Share lessons learned or first-time questions!Jun 15, 20174,026 Posts