Best tip i can give you is to run it once a month for 1/2 hour (every month without fail), eco-off and under a 1500 watt load like a small ceramic heater on high. this will keep the fuel in the bottom of the bowl moving so that sediment doesn't colle...
32dgrz wrote:I bought mine from these guys bought mine at the same place and i couldn't find it for less anywhere else. Another RV forum i belong to all talk about wise sales as being a good place (which i agree with)........
jim summers wrote:Is there some carb cleaner that you would recommend using on a regular interval, as a "preventive measure". I have a newer H2000i w/ only 1 hr on it. Would some regular spray cleaner help keep it cleaner-longer ? Also, using this pr...
Roy and Carolyn I have the same generator/inverter and it is a great item. A tip i got a while back after i let it sit for a few months and it started running rough and needed half choke was to let it run for thirty minutes once a month under a "Loa...