All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionscuyahoga valley national parkDW wants to visit cuyahoga valley national park on our early April trip. So what the general consensus of this area? First off, is early April to early to visit, weather wise? With lake effect and all? What's the best place to camp with a 26' class C, needing 30 amp, but preferring w&e or fhu to see most of what there is to see & do. Which brings me to, What is there to see & do? Rocks, history, scenery etc. Can it be done in 3 or more days? Any and all info/help is greatly appreciated. Or maybe we'll just head south from Elkhart to warmer weather. Thanks!Big Biloxi CampgroundBig Biloxi Campground, COE park. Anyone familiar with this campground? Just the approximate location we are looking for, but is pretty vague about it. I understand it is first come first serve only. Got nice reviews. Guess there is an iron ranger somewhere on site of is there an office/building of sorts? Any other info about it? thanksRe: What happened?Here's the answer: happened? was my go to site for trip planning and finding available/exceptable campgrounds. Now it no longer displays campgrounds and I get "your connection to this site is not secure." Is it closed down or hacked. Now where. Not fond of Allstays and as good as RV Life shows a lot of info, not the best for trip planning, as far as I'm concerned. RVParky leaves out state, COE and most county/municipality parks. What do you use?Michigan Entrance fees non-residentBoy, what a confusing mess! Every Michigan site I go to gives me a different answer. First off what's the difference between the entrance pass & a recreation pass? I can't use a recreation pass to enter a state park? Non-resident entrance pass is any where from $32.00 to $39.00 per year. Which is it? Also the non-resident daily entrance fee is anywhere from 8 - 10, depending which Michigan web site you read. Guess I'll have to call, if I can find which office to contact. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Deam Lake SP or Charlestown SPComing from the Indianapolis area heading to Chattanooga area and looking for a park around Louisville. Crossed between Deam Lake and Charleston SP. Reviews aren't that much different so it's sort of a toss up. Charleston has fewer open sites for the date we need. A 26' B+ needing electric only, but want level site. Trees are a plus but it's only for a night, so not a deal breaker. Which would you opt for & why? Or is there something in that area that's better? thanksRe: Unusual Rental MotorhomesI believe they're called a Class B+ (for marketing purposes).Re: Has anyone camped at Willowtree RV Resort in SC?I can't believe how snarky some people can get. Yes the reviews are great, but I also often post a similar question here to get an up close personal view of a particular park that I am interested. Some folks have asked why this forum is dying. Well people, remarks like these are often the reason. Ask away if you will, many of us will help if we can with useful information rather than snarky insults. Camp OnRe: Skull Island, TNThanks Ken. We pulled the trigger & made reservations for the first week in May. We'll see. We're still researching eateries and such in the area, but there doesn't seem to be a lot to choose from. Guess we'' bring the old Cobb grill and cook our own.Re: Cold Smoked CheeseI also use Cabot Seriously Sharp. I also have two smoke tubes with the pellets, but I much prefer a different method of cold smoking. The pellets & smoke tube tends to leave a metallic taste in my opinion. So I use wood chips in my home made contraption. I use a Campbells soup can with the top removed & a 1/2" hole near the bottom on a side. Insert a cheap Harbor Freight pencil soldering iron (about $5.00) & fill the can with alder or pecan or apple chips and plug'er in. Don't use anything harsh like hickory or mesquite. I place my cheese on the warming rack on my gas grill & rotate position after about a good hour of smoke. Can of chips generally last a good 2 hours. Best yet!
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