All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Photos of 100+ Mods & accessories to our TrailerThanks for posting all of those ideas and the photos! I love this and will be borrowing some of these for sure.Re: Help with a salvage title situationThe only thing that matters is the title statutes in Indiana as that is where he is wanting to title it next. So you need to talk to the DMV there about salvage titles and can the brand be removed after repair and inspection? Some states have a procedure to rehabilitate a title. Others will remove the brand from the title after a certain period of time. Others will never remove it. I presume you are intending on flipping the trailer rather than using it. A salvage title brand does not make a trailer/title unmarketable, it may however make it harder to sell/trade and impact final sale value based mostly on the perception a potential buyer would have of a "salvage" vehicle. Truth is if it's fixed, it's fixed and the brand is just on paper. Heck you paid less than $600 for the trailer. If nothing else part it out by components if you don't think it's worth the work to rehab and flip.Re: Freedom Express 246RKS Anyone have one?Well, I guess I'm an anomaly. We just bought a 2015 Freedom Express 246RKS, a few weeks ago. But I did get it at a price I could not say no to (well under book value and it great condition). As to the sofa cushions not being comfortable, I will give you that. But it is due to the non-supportive density foam they used. The upholstery for the cushions zips off and I can replace that with whatever quality/density I desire from for an easy fix. We liked the interior storage as there seemed to be more overall in the FE 246RKS than others that size (couples trailers). Yes, the kitchen could use more counter space, but what couples trailer that size doesn't need a little more? There may be better and greater out there, but we liked what we saw, and for the price, I could not say no. Especially if weight is a concern (ie, towing with a 1500 or 150) My one real gripe is the corner shower size. Not a deal breaker, but I would love to have a bigger shower (again, this is common to most TT in this size class). I'm considering removing the glass surround and replacing it with one of those oversized curtain rods for more upper area room, but have not done so yet. In that TT size class it's all pretty much a trade off between weight/design materials/size (driven by weight to keep them lightweight).Re: Underbelly project: coroplast on the bottom or metal?A lot of the newer trailers have a single sheet of black coroplast material as the underbelly. I just had to pull mine off for a frame repair. I'm trying to find the roll material to replace it, but may go with the 4x8' sheets if I can't find the roll. My thought is if I go sheet, to run a series of 4' wide strips down the center and fill in each side with smaller panels using a 1/8" thick steel 2" wide strap between the cross joists and at the joints of the side panels. Same thing in any area where I might have to access something for the future. My thinking is that way I don't have to take the whole thing off later if I need to repair an electrical line, tank fitting, etc....Re: "driving" in the left lane. YES it's illegal. mgirardo wrote: Georgia enacted a similar law a few years ago. I've never seen it enforced. In GA, the idea is to keep traffic flowing. Someone hogging the left lane causes traffic to slow down. It's not to reward speeders, it is to keep traffic flowing in an effort to reduce accidents. -Michael The GA law is a little different. It's not a stay out of the left lane except to pass, but is a yield to faster vehicles. If you are not holding up anyone you can drive in the far left lane all you want. Problem is in GA (especially in Atlanta), speed limits are not even a suggestion anymore. If you go the speed limit even in the right lane, you will get ran over and cussed by everyone and you will be holding up traffic. We locals joke about I-285 around Atlanta being a NASCAR training ground. And don't think about leaving more than 3' between your car and the one ahead of you or 3 people will try and get into that space. Not as bad outside Atlanta (but the Atlanta area is getting huge). Back on topic, I'm not really sure how the GA law about yielding to faster vehicles applies "officially" if you are already over the speed limit in the far left lane. Are you expected to yield to those Nascar trainee wann-a-bee's? I don't know, but I do just as I would rather have those non-drivers in front of me than on my bumper.Re: Bleeding propane system?Let me throw something else into the mix.... A while back I refilled a LP tank for my grill at the local LP company (refilled by weight, not a tank swap). When I hooked it back up, not only did the regulator make a noise, but it frosted over and the gas stopped flowing. Apparently it was slightly overfilled and liquid LP instead of the gas form was actually getting into the regulator via the hose. As it flashed to a gas, it froze the regulator. I ended up having to heat it with a blow dryer while keeping a burner lit until I used enough LP to get it to a normal level. After the fact, I remembered there is a bleed valve on the tank on the back of the turn knob where you turn the LP on/off at the tank. If your regulator is very cold or even frosty looking, try bleeding off some LP at the valve.
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