Maybe I am late to the party. 6.4 gasser will handle the weight you stated handily, but I suspect you knew that. As for a weak transmissikn- no. I really don't think so. Full disclosure- I did have a trans go out on me in my '14 2500. That said, I ha...
6.4L will tug that 8k all day long without drama. I run a 2500 6.4 with 3.73 and I wouldn't hesitate to hook that and go anywhere. I don't think I have ever encountered the "screaming gasser" syndrome so many report. 3500RPM up some grades, but that'...
My only complaints were the OEM rubber and cruddy shocks. I think all of them suffer from that though. The coils were great. Way better in my opinion than the previous leaf trucks I had. I liked them so much they are under my 2500 too.