since ‎May-24-2005

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I know this is going to be fun. The forum is full of book regurgitators, curious (sometimes scientific) rule benders AND "hold me beer, we gonna try somethin' folks...."I had a leak and realized I was low on coolant...so I went off to Wally World to...
We are planning to go to Tampa at Christmas. Our fantasy is to park the camper and spend a few days with family (and sleep at their place).I’ve done some internet work, and haven’t found great answers.Does anyone have relevant experience/suggestions...
I don't want this to be a tire bashing thread, ALTHOUGH, I may have purchased my last ever TRAILER tire. :M This is for a utility trailer (not a camper).As I've searched around, I find the search engines lacking because NOT EVERYTHING is width, aspe...
My objective here is fun.After 20+ years…and quite a few miles we are in a water and electric site for a few days…gurgling sounds…water in the shower…I run to the sewer tub, grab my never-used, twist-on gate valve, start pushing and pulling gates and...
I hope to replace a shade with some mini blinds.The real crux of my question is if there are any "nice, special fasteners that work well on RV walls".I've done plenty of this in my "brick/stick" house, but in campers, seem to find all sorts of plane ...