All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsSurge Protector & Voltage Transformer SequenceI plan on hardwiring a Progressive Industries EMS-HW30C surge protector and a Hughes Autoformer RV2130 in my travel trailer. It's not clear to me the proper sequencing of these two appliances. The surge protector has low/high voltage protection (less than 104, greater than 132), which could prevent the autoformer from rendering it's function ("Sense circuit" automatically turns the 10% boost on when the park power is less than 117 volts and turns it off when the park power reaches 118 volts). At the same time; I've read of voltage surges damaging autoformers, and I want to protect it from such occurrences. Theoretically, a pedestal could present 103 volts and an upstream surge protector would shut down, or with the autoformer upstream, the voltage would be upgraded to 113 volts and a downstream surge protector would maintain service, but not protect the autoformer. I've read numerous forums, and all I can find are installations that place the autoformer upstream of the surge protector. I suppose the question is: How often are low voltage encounters of the <104 type encountered? I appreciate any guidance from those with some practical experience in these matters.