FYI, the San Francisco Bay Bridge will be closed from August 28 to Sept 3 for the cutover to the new span 511 Traffic AlertBay Bridge Closure InfoDrive through animation Mods: please delete this post after Sept 4
Which direction are you coming from? Hopefully trying to enter through the south or west entrance. They haven't plowed the pass over to 395 yet.Tioga Pass Plowing Update
On my (then ) 10 year old unit I tried the #50 cleaner wax. it was good but still had oxidation and a lot of work to get to that point.Did another pass after scrubbing the fiberglass with barkeepers friend.Big rinse and then the pass with the 50 for ...
Don't currently have a GD but shopping for the 303.Trailer Hitch RV down the road from you quoted a really attractive price.And they'd be a short drive for you.