since ‎Jan-20-2005

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I know I am going to get some super experienced folks in the U.S. criticizing tongue/hitch weights being less than 10%, but let's discuss this.It seems the approach in the U.K. and Europe is to attempt to design and load a trailer such that the major...
I posted my original question in the TT section, but I now realize this would have been better. Here is my original post in the Trailer section:http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/27114941.cfmDoes anyone have experience using a Su...
Does anyone have experience using a Subaru Outback as a tow vehicle?I currently tow a very large dual slide trailer with a diesel Chevrolet crew cab. I want to downsize my trailer to an A-Frame type. I want to keep the trailer in my garage, and I nee...