Old trucker - make sure that 357 is loaded with shot if you're going to carry it in the RV. Slugs from that thing will go thru the Purp., thru the wall and take out an innocent three rigs down from you in the campground. It's pretty hard to aim wh...
Rollers? Well I had a friend that painted his car with a whiskbroom. I used a pump up weed sprayer to stain a shed once - looked ok.... Good luck with the job oldtrucker.
It looks like you are reusing the original converter. You might take this opportunity to up grade to something better with some form of charge wizard. Most of those old ones don't charge the house battery all that well without boiling off the water...
I agree with 1995brave - especially since the positive post is just under that piece of sheet metal. If you can, you probably should turn the battery around so if it bounces, the hot post will not be a problem.