Our wonderful spring trip! This was April 30th, 2013. :EA little spin art on the tires going down the road. Slush on the road and just the right temperature.
truckcamperonmymind wrote:Any Alaskan spring ice fishing?Love using my TC after an evening of ice fishing, crashing the night, and then waking up in the lake parking lot ready for prime time morning fishing.Nope, never went this spring, although I be...
fla-gypsy wrote:That doesn't even remotely look like fun to me. That's the great thing about this pastime I guessNot our idea of a good time, either. Normally this area is all cleared and gravel by now, but we have had such a cold April/late snow and...
dakonthemountain wrote:Holy Moly!!! Nope! Not gonna do it! That looks impossible! Did you use your rig as a sled coming down that slope?! You are a better man than I! I live where it snows, but nothing like that! Happy camping! DakActually...
bobndot wrote:All white now !Looks like you had the white camper to make that twip . Was that ice on the white wheel or the wheft wheel ?Dat was on da white weaw wheel!