All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: What to use to create a "nightstand" ledge next to bed?I stained a wooden tissue box holder and attached it on its side to the wall beside my bed in our first camper. It worked well and looked nice.Re: Fireplace RVcrazy wrote: We love ours! It provides a nice bit of heat in our living area. We also just like the looks and cozy atmosphere it creates. We especially like that we don't have to worry about tripping over a space heater or tipping one over. Couldn't have said it better. This week we've been camping in temps between 32F and 60F - the fireplace keeps the chill out and the flames make us feel warmer. On a rainy night when we don't need heat we sometimes run it without the heaters on.Re: Is your travel trailer cozy and homey??We've done some things to our camper - fabric chosen to coordinate with valances etc. made into cushions and throw over back of chair. We've swapped out the bulky recliners with a parrot cage and Ikea arm chair. We added a coffee table. I've put some pictures on the walls, including a painting from one of our favorite places. Carpet, bedspread, towels, led candles, etc. were added as well. I guess I'm a bit of a nut, but they don't take anytime to stow, nor do they look like clutter. Hummm... time to update the camper page on my blog! Dog urinating and defecating on your site while owners watchI'm on the side of the people who don't like pooping on their site. Yes, I'm a dog owner - 2 large & 1 med. We walk like crazy to get to the designated area and they do their business there. They know the drill, they aren't stupid. We walk and feed on a schedule to make it a bit easier. There are occasional mistakes. I don't like them going on the site - whose to say a toddler won't be the next occupant, plus I like to walk around bare foot and sit on the grass. I guess I'm an optimist if I think the people occupying the site ahead of us thinks the same way. We have an ex-pen fence (bit enough for picnic table, chairs, etc.) and they are for sure not allowed to business there. I can tell by the way my male dog sniffs around that others have gone before us! It is hard for him, but he knows the expectations. Picking up is not optional, no matter where they go. I guess you can tell that it is my pet peeve. Also, I've been lucky enough to camp places where I can find off-site business areas - even if it means the ditch of the highway. I don't know what I'll do when my dogs are too old to make it that far...Re: Making the neighbors angry NYCgrrl wrote: Those who don't like screamers would have despised my 7 y/o nephew's antics whilst attempting to take splinter out of his finger at the campsite earlier this month. Actually I didn't want to be there either.... He finally let me have at it when doughnut holes "fell from the sky" courtesy of the man. Apparently it's difficult to scream bloody murder when yer mouth is stuffed with jelly, dough and powdered sugar. First time I've found a true use for junk food:). like - that's as good a reason to scream as any :-)Re: Making the neighbors angrymedical daily - screamRe: Making the neighbors angryin our family the only time we were allowed to scream was if we were being chased by an axe murderer, were drowning or the house was on fire. Now, as an adult, when I hear screaming I jump out of my chair to see what is wrong. Think 'boy who cried wolf' if there ever is a real problem.Re: Travel souveniersI write a blog and include photos. At the end of the year I print it into a nice hard-cover book that I can read. If there is something that the area is known for I might indulge. For example if the city is famous for its pottery I may get a bowl or jug. It is a bit hard for me to not collect lots as I inherited a souvineer gene from both my grandfather and father ;-)Re: Decorating your camper to feel all nice and cozy?!just a note about using velcro to hang things - when it comes time to remove the velcro it WILL remove a swath of wall covering as well (don't ask me how I know). I use tiny nails which can be filled with appropriately coloured putty. I've even had command adhesive strips rip fragile paper. I do use them in some places though.Re: Shaved all 3 Collies todayI keep my Std and Min Poodles shaved pretty close for most of the year, except the depth of winter. They have enough hair to cover, but barely. We live on a farm and their coats are like velcro for burrs, sticks, and any other plant/insect matter. As it stands I clip them every 5 or 6 weeks. They've never been matted and needed the short hair cut, in fact I spend a lot of time grooming! Years ago we had a mix that had an undercoat that was incredibly thick. I'd clip her in the spring and she'd run around like a mad dog as soon as I was done :-)
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