All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: gaspe' - what are the larger grocery storesWell lessee here. A mall in Rimouski, then 45 minutes later to Matane and then on to Ste-Anne-des-Monts but all along there are AMI or RICHELIEU chains etc. You won't starve. I've been on the Peninsula every month of the year and I'll probably get a blast for this one, but in my opinion they could shut down the 132 in Ste-Flavie on Oct. wait a minute, Matane (The Gaspé Deputy, Mr. Bérubé lives there), and reopen on June 15th. From after Labour Day things start shutting down an by Oct.1st there is not much going on. CGs are shut down, well maybe one or two might be open still yet (I don't use CGs). I was in Percé in February and two places were open, the Post Office and a coffee shop across the street which closed at 11:00. Still in all it is one beautiful place year round.Re: Trip to QuebecBastille Day? LOLOLRe: St Jean Baptiste Day in QuebecLots going on that day, better reserve a cg or if not I can suggest a couple of W-M lots. I live across the river from Q-City but have never attende the cérémonies. There is always a big show an fire on the Plaines of Abraham...great if you are younger than 30 years old The city is worth the visit, really nice place with much to do.Re: Trip to QuebecDon't know about Montréal but here in Q-City, literally hundreds of kilometers of paved bike trails. You can bike out to the Montmorency Falls from the city also one sweet run is leaving from the ferry landing on either side and ride out to an cross the old bridge and back to the ferry on the other side,,,42 km, 26 miles p'haps?Re: Input welcome: Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, MontrealAlways a pleasure to reply to questions such as yoursRe: Input welcome: Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, hit my favourite bakery in Baie-St-Paul. Here is a Plan B for your return.. When you arrive at Rivière-du-Loup take the ferry over to St-Siméon and see Charlevoix. Like Vermont, it is a great place to get lost. I can give you alternate routes and places only local tourists visit that are awesome, including an 18% hill. If interested let me knowRe: Input welcome: Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, MontrealMake the effort to speak and they will be more than willing to work with you. Meet them on their ground. Anyone we talked to was helpful and pleasant. I will most definetly bring a phrase book when we travel through there and I look forward to it. I like this! Very much. Another thing which really helps is, ''Excuse me, but do you speak English?'' or ''Excuse me please, I do not speak French'' Don't want to start anything here, just mentioning it. If you drive 5-6 mile past Percé you'll find l'Anse-à-Beau-Fils and you can stay next to the marine, near the big white building across from the marina. There are also shower and laundry facilities, a restaurant and a bit further on is a grocery store OR you can spend the night in the rest area at Cap d'Éspoir just past the store where there are picnic tables and roof covered right onthe waterside. Have done bothe over the years and it sure beats paying $$ for a cg in Percé. In Percé you can catch a boat to Bonaventure Island which is noted for its huge amount of Northern Gannets. As you head back make note that everything happens onthe piers and docks. Paspébiac has a real nice Fishery Museum. A great blues festival in New Carlisle, check the dates because the cg will be filled, it is in late August Matapedia Valley is a nice run. Take a break at Causapscal as there are a lot of salmon fishermen there right in back ofthe Tourist Office ( where you could probably spend the night) A cg at Val-Brillant too Have a good trip and remember: Bonjour Merci Those two words will open a lot of doorsRe: Input welcome: Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, MontrealYeah, I forgot about the Aquarium. Surprisingly one of our best trips to Percé was in early February via the 299, Parc de la Gaspésie out of Ste-Anne-des-Monts to New Richmond. Saved a lot of money, didn't but one T-Shirt ... LOLRe: Input welcome: Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, MontrealMtl >>> Gaspé Hope I can help you here. August and September are good here as the construction vacation period ends at the end of the first week on August. I know nothing about the Montréal area so maybe some oen else could pitch in. OK. I imagine that you will be using the highway 20 or 40 to get to Québec. If using the 20 there are Walmarts at Charny (Exit 314 on the 20)and in Lévis Exit 325 I think it is. Over in Québec I cannot say for sure but there is a chance for overnights inthe parking areas near the ferry landing in Q-City. On the Lévis side you can park also at the ferry parking lot and take the boat over to visit. As for things to see and all. Around the fery landing and taking the funicular up to the Château Frontenac is the main tourist route, plenty to see all over. A rainy day? The civilization Museum right near the ferry. Many other places around, send me a PM Now depending on your time, you can take the Rt.132 instead of the #20 because on the 20 you do not see much at all. If you are not a big hurry I'd take the 132 from Beaumont, just east of Lévis or the 132 from Montmagny. This road runs parallel to the 20. All along that route you will find interesting things. There are campgrounds east of Montmagny, in St-Roch-de-sAulnaies just west of St-Jean-Port-Joli BUT on cool place is as you leave St-Roch, just a bit away you'll see a bird migration sign and a well kept dirt road which will bring you out to a point of observation. Portable toilets and benches are available and it is free. St-Roch is about 75 miles east of Québec. There are bicyle trails all along there and beautiful old homes and farms. At rivière-du-Loup there is a nice cg at the ferry landing. As you leave the toewn, you cross a bridge and the road curves to the right and climbs, at middle of the hill turn left, the cg is that way. Trois-Pistoles isnext, cgs there too and then as you leave Trois-Pistoles the next village is St-Simon RESPECT THE SPEED LIMIT! from there to Rimouski. From the Québec Bridge om thr Hwy 20 Rimouski is a three hour drive at 60 mph Rimouski is a nice place but for campimnI highly recommend POINTE_AU_PÈRE which is just east of Rimouski and you turn on Rue Père-Nouvelle to the left, it wil be indicated. There is a lighthouse, a submarine and a museum there, free parking with tables and all. Showers and laundry facilities are at the Marina at Rimouski-Est (You'll see the marina as you pass by for P-A-P). From there you meander and you'll see sighns for Captain Homard, a terrific restaurant in an old barn with a cg on the premises and I assure you that the view is awesome. I'd reserve if it is in August or on a weekend. Métis-sur-Mer there is The Gardens of Métis and Camping Annie right near. Thos gardens are awesome. You'll then be into Matane, anytihngto see or do is on the 132, don't go into town, not much there. Now go Google Carpintieri or Carpenteri..It is a winery at St-Ulric which is just before Matane, beautiful place and there are eaolians all over the place in the back. As you go along from there there wil be many interesting stops to make. There will be a fork after Ste-Anne-des-monts, eitheryou shortcut to Gaspé via St-Majorique or you continue around the ''shoulder''. There is Parc Forillon but I do not know if it is open. Well you're in Gaspeé there is a camping in Haldimand right near there. If you want me to ''bring you back'' to Québec City, let me fingers are shot!Re: 2014 LambingVery very nice. I especially like the lighting and DOF. Way to go :)
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Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts