We had no problems maintaining speed going over the Rockies with our Yukon Denali. In fact, the only problem was when we were stuck behind slower RVs! Engine braking in Tow/Haul mode meant I didn't need to ride the brakes at all coming down.
carjocky wrote:First day out in our new 2012 Bullet Premier 29RTPR this weekend! Woot Woot! Picture is from last friday picking it up.http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/p480x480/531408_4058102218088_1448111205_3696483_1679632691_n.jpgLooks grea...
Two summers ago when we did our trip to Minnesota, I noticed severe tire wear on the rear driver side tire mid-journey. The tread on the inner side had worn down to the steel belt. I had checked tire pressure every morning and never noticed if the ti...
Here are a few more pictures from the last couple days:Tillamook: http://instagr.am/p/IU4vLFjTR6/Manzanita Beach Overlook: http://instagr.am/p/IUyi0cDTfm/Parked along Boardwalk in Seaside: http://instagr.am/p/ISxeLuDTWw/Cannon Beach: http://instagr.a...