All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Hi folks I don't seem to be doing that well. I went to therapy today and it was a flop. I go tomorrow for a brain scan to see how much damage has been done by the stroke and Parkinson. My therapist said today it looks as I amgoing backwards instead of forward. I needed to go see my doctor right away for an evaluation. Maybe tomorrow WE will get the answers we are looking for when I have thebrain scan. This is not what I had planned for my golden years. I had hopes of camping and traveling until the final breath was taken. Now I am bound at home with my driving repledges taken away. No camper no truck broke with the coctors and hospitals getting all of our money. Oh well it is what it is, Mat God bless you and may you have great camping trips. Be sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them. When you top the next hill in the road look for Sue and I along with Suzie and Dixie, we might be just beyond the next hill from you, you never know what the future will hold.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Thinking about renting a motorhome for a week or two and heading south to see some relatives we haven't seen in while, down around Waycross, Ga. THen haed NOrth toward Michigan. WIll know later just how this will all work out. It depends on how well my new teste work out and what the doctor thinks about my future. okay I am tired and need to go to bed so I will call it a night and will talk with you lster.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Glad t hear so much goodnews frm everyone, I am not doing well at all. Parkinson is doing me in, many bad days especially early mornings The mornings I cant;s seem to get going, THis morning I stayed in bed untiil 11:30 Had an APPOIMTMENT TO SEE THE THEROPIST ANd JUST COIULD n0t Make it. Daughter Allison and Son in Law Jeffery bought a new motorhome to take us campimg with them. its a class C thirty foot very nice and roomy. There would not be any long trips just week end outtings with us just tagging along with them. its hard for me to get get showered and dressed each morning. Just can't seem to get my feet in the right direction and keep my balance without falling over. Parkinson is hell to deal wthh. Would not wish this in anyone.just a like a baby in many respects. Except this baby is 160 pounds and has a stubborn mind of his own. IT was good while it lasted, but it us over.I feel sorry for Sue ahe has to deal with this every day. Just remember me as I was. WE have had some sun time together. LOve all of y0ou, best of friends forever. DIxie Flyer.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Neither SUe nor I have gotten the vaccine shot for the covort19. I am steadily going down hill. It doesn't look that good for me right now. something new keeps coming up every day. Now its my heart and Afib. I thought I was past that. BUt the doctor says that is what caused my stroke and now he is convinced that I may have another one. NO more driving for me fir another six months Back to the heart monitor for another round of tests. I wish everyone well and that you have a great summer. be sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}well today seems to be a better day. Overall I would say Parkinson is getting the better of me.. can't go anywhere or do anything comfortably. MY mind wonders from one subject to another. I will start something and in the middle of it, I will stop and start thinking of something else. If I start reading something I will lose concentration and become confused and stop reading and move on to something else. Right now I am having a hard time typing this post. I think I will stop for now and rest. Good bye folks. have a blessed day. GIve the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love themRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}we are still here. Seem to be well. Have gotten the vacine shot yet, most likely won't either. All the family is doing well. Yesterday I had a off day, felt strange. today has been a good day. THe weatherman says we can expect snow and sleet tonight and in the morning. Says the accumulation will be enough to cause problems interstate. they have put out an advisory to stay home in the morning if you don'tn have to be out. I have enough fire wood if the power goes out we will still be able to stay warm. Each day I can see where the Parkinson is becoming more noticeable. I hope all is well with everyone. Keep on camping folks. Sue and I have about decided to get a pop up. ON with a shower and toilet. WE had one back in the 90's. it was okay. you could heat it with two small electric heaters. It was comfortable even when it was down in the teens at night. Sue can drive and pull teh pop up without any problem. )kay I need to get moving so I will close for now wishing everyone a blessed evening. Be sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone youlove them.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Doctor today told me I was not out of the woods with the question of Afib. Just because the monitor didn't show and irregular heart beat the month I wore it doesn't really mean I didn't have an irregular beat the day I had the stroke, he now said I have had two strokes. He also said I was a likely candidate for another stroke. So I am on watch with him. If I have a fast heart beat that makes me feel as if my heart is pounding I should call him immediately and go to the hospital. OH well all is fun when you get old. S0 now I am waiting for the next thing to happen that sends me to the hospital. kay I am going to close for now wishing everyone a blessed evening Be sure ti give the fur babies a hug for me ans be sure to tell someone you love them.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}SUe and I will not be taking the shots. Whatever happens will happen. I am in a mess. SO if I die I figure it is a win win situation. If I die I will go to heaven and be with Jesus. There I will be healed of all my diseases, Diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson and anything else I have. SO that is how I feel about all of this. I will maybe get to see OLd Fella at the bridge. SO I am looking for a great transformation the day I die. Jesus said "let not your hearts be troubled YE believe in GOd believe also in me. In my Fathers' house are many mansions, IF it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and If I go to prepare a place for you I am coming again to receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also. Whither I go you know and the way you know. THomas said unto our L0rd. WE don't know where you are going how can we know the way. JEsus said. " I am the way the truth and the life. NO man cometh unto the Father except through me. I believe with all my heart in the LOrd Jesus Christ. SO I believe in heaven and that the words of JEsus are true. There is a house with many mansions waiting for me. THe bible says there will be no more sorrow, no more death, all things will be new. SO if all things will be new. THere will be no more sorrow, or death why try to hang on to this life where there are tears, sorrow, death, and sickness. JEsus says all of that will be washed away. I am buying in to that so I welcome death and my life with Jesus. I am going to close now wishing everyone a blessed day. BE sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}I have a new computer, still learning how it works. We got a heavy snow last night. wasn't cold enough to stick round long. By the time thr sun came out and warmed thigs uo it melted and was gone. THis was the first snow for Dixie, she didn't know what it was and came back in with her tail between her legs.okay I am going to log out. talk with you laterRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Just got word from DHL they are holding a money order for me in the sum of 2 million two hundred thousand dollars. All I need to do is send them my address phone number and full name and they will deliver it for a fee od seventy five dollars. IT seems I have a benefactor in England who has left me the money to do with as I see fit as long as I give five million to a worthy cause. well I think Old Fella is a worthy cause. I won't be holding my breath until I get it, but what the hey. These people already have the information they ask for so why not send it? Fun ad games right?
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