All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: want/need new hubsI was wrong, they are pressed in. Good news is that it will be easier to get the broken ones out and they'll be much easier to acquire. Took about 5 swings of my normal hammer knock one out. I will likely use this as an excuse to get a 3lb sledge, I'd hate to over use my swinging arm. Really appreciate the help on this. You guys saved me a bundle of cash, but I'll have to burn a few extra calories. thanksRe: want/need new hubsI don't think they're "pressed in" studs. I think they're screwed in. And the fact that they are 9/16" studs, they are harder to find. But still cheaper to order them and replace than replacing 4 complete hub assemblies. I have to do some experimenting before I order a bunch of studs. Thanks for all the helpRe: want/need new hubsInteresting idea with replacing the studs. I will do some research on that. I've replaced studs on a car before, but haven't heard of anyone replacing them on a trailer hub. Haven't seen them for sale, but you're right, they are pressed in, so it would seem that should be replaceable.want/need new hubsThis post is about which brand of hub/drums should I get, I don't want people to get distracted with why I need hubs. This weekend I had a wheel come flying off. Thankfully no one got hurt and no damage to any vehicles or my trailer. Three lugs snapped off and the remaining ones were stripped. Not sure what caused it, but my guess is that the lugnuts came loose. I have a couple theories. First, that someone used an impact gun in the past and damaged the studs/lugnuts. Second is that somehow I didn't get the lugnuts on that 1 wheel tight enough or that somehow the wheel wasn't centered when I put the lugnuts on. I'll admit that I haven't used a torque wrench in the past, but I do use a cross bar and I put a good push/pull torque on them and I'm religious about the sequence I tighten lugnuts. I've never had an issue, but now that I have, I'm changing my normal procedures. (I'll take responsibility, even if I don't know for sure that it was my fault) Since I don't know what caused the issue, I have concerns with the rest of them. I am going to change out all 4 hubs and the lugnuts, eliminate the idea that someone else may have damaged them. Dexter hubs/drums run about $150ish w/bearings. Lippert hubs/drums run about $80ish w/ bearings. I've read horror stories on Lippert axels/hubs, but they all seem to go back to a lack of bearing grease or poor quality grease from the factory (this won't be an issue for me) I have Dexter axles and Dexter auto-adjusting brakes. Currently have Dexter hubs. However, I haven't found anyone who can say one hub/brake drum is significantly better than another. Any inputs on one brand of hub/drum verse another?Re: how do I stop hung clothes flying off rod when travelingI've had pretty good success with putting every other hanger in backwards. That way the the friction of the clothes against each other holds the hangers from jumping off the rod.Re: New MaxxfanWell, I got my answer from Maxxfan. Either buy the new style Fanmate or cut off the plastic tabs. I shall be going at the tabs with a Dremel and a cutting disk. Thanks for the assistanceRe: New MaxxfanThanks for all the info. I can cut the tabs without removing the fan. I really don't want to buy new covers, these are only a year old and I feel like I've now given Maxxair enough of my money for this camper. I will re-inspect the hardware and use anti-seize if I have to reuse the hardware. Thanks for that tip/warning. Hopefully they'll get back with me tomorrow and maybe they have new hardware.New MaxxfanNothing too special, lots of you have replaced ceiling vent fans before. Just thought I'd add some info on my installation. I had one of those crappy factory installed fans that only has one button and it's either on or off. It was loud anytime it was on, and it only has a 4" fan in a 10" opening(sizes estimated). I debated between Fantastic and Maxxair, I chose the basic Maxxfan 4301k. I didn't need all of the options. It's a bathroom fan that wife and I can easily reach, we don't need all the cool options and I already had a Fanmate covers(more to this later). Since this is the highest point in my camper, I usually leave this vent cracked open to allow hot air to escape when it is in storage. now the somewhat interesting stuff: I did some noise testing. I placed my high-tech sound meter(app for my phone) on my bathroom counter. The ambient noise level was 25db. The factory fan only has on or off setting. When it was on, it was at 50db. A 25db increase! The Maxxfan has 4 settings, the low setting has a noise level of 32db(very quiet). Level 2 was about 38db, level 3 is about 45db, and level 4 is at 58db! I will say that even at it's loudest setting, the sound is much more pleasant; I'll assume it's the frequency of the noise. (this link may give people an idea of how quiet. Now, I have another issue. The new Maxxfan has tabs on the outside for quick mounting of the new Fanmate covers. I have an older Fanmate 850 covers. The new tabs are in the way. I don't want to buy new covers, because I have 3 of them and I want them to match. I'm not sure if I should try to grind the plastic tabs off or try to grind slots in the metal mounting brackets for the plastic tabs to fit. I emailed the manufacture to see if they have new hardware or get their input.Re: Northeast in the fallThanks for all the great info. I'll be researching all of this.Re: Northeast in the fallAll good information. I was living in Alaska the last few years, I fully understand Fall coming earlier than other places. I was looking at being in Maine in Sept and working south from there. Appreciate the tips on the roads and bridges. We'd probably stick to major roads with the campers and take side trips with the truck.
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Bucket List Trips Bucketlist destinations you just can't miss. Which spots stick with you?Jan 18, 202513,487 Posts