All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: I Am At The Quartzsite Truck Camper Rally One Minute VideoWe are staying the night at Mayflower County park just outside of Blythe, Ca for tonight and then plan to be there around noon tomorrow for checkin. Should be fun!Re: NorCal Mini Truck Camper Rally - April 2023I thought we had already replied to your rally invitation but I don’t see our entry so Mary and I would definitely like to join you again! If you have anymore wire fence repair projects let us know and we can bring appropriate tools and even show up a day early if needed!Re: Levelling blocks for camper on driveway with 2 degree gradeUnfortunately I don’t have pictures and I no longer need to unload on a slopped driveway but I once did. I found that lifting the camper off the slopped truck bed was challenging, especially when reloading and it placed a lot of stress on the jacks. I would back part way, get out and slide ramps under my front tires and then using 4x4 low range back up the ramps. I made a set of 10” tall wheel ramps from pressure treated lumber that allowed me to back up the driveway and be level. I made four blocks from the same lumber that compensated for the slope so my jack bottoms were level and could not “walk” down my driveway. Using the side of my driveway as a guide and placing small paint marks to show where the ramps should be placed the loading and unloading process was relatively easy. PS, I’ve had the same 30 orange Lego blocks i use for leveling the truck and placing under the jacks for over eight years with no breakage. Lumber is fine but heavy!Re: Hardside TC for 3900 pound payload shortbedWe have a 2015 gmc 3500 4x4 sb 6.0 gas truck that we carry a 2015 Lance 855s on and it does fine with only Torklift upper stable loads to keep headlights at the right level. It came with a 3750 lb payload and yes we are a bit overloaded but we upsized tires one size and it has done great for over eight years. There is someone on the Lance TC forum that carries our same camper model (likely a few hundred pounds heavier as we opted not to get generator, microwave, tv, bunk, slide out cover, etc.) on a Toyota tundra with a 1700 lb payload. That in mho is borderline insane but it works for him! There are lots of options out there, have fun!Re: West Coast Jamboree 2022, Who is Interested?Sorry for the late response as my wife and I have been out camping. We are still very interested in joining everyone in the Redding area in April!Re: Lance Short Bed models owners out there?I enjoy but for your Lance specific question I would recommend that you go to "Lance Owners of America" to ask it. You will likely get more responses!Re: Where to fill air in dually rear wheels?Although I don't have a DRW truck, I carry a small compressor and could easily add the necessary tire chuck needed for DRWs. The small compressors come in three categories, ****, fair and good. Get a good one and you will be fine! The good ones will clip to your vehicle's battery (the engine must be running)(some can be permanently mounted and hard wired) they will set you back $150 or more. I have the VIAIR 400P Automatic which I got for $175 and it works great and can bring my truck's tires from 65psi to 80psi in only a couple of minutes. Don't go cheap! We had a tent trailer that we would air down from 50psi to 30 psi when camping in remote areas. The cigarette lighter compressor we had would take about 15 minutes per tire when airing back up and everyone for a mile around could hear it struggling. Having an air compressor along is very convenient, compact and light weight!Re: Atwood electric Camper jackOr maybe E-trailer wisely thinks that perhaps 18 year old jacks might be all a bit worn or perhaps the capacity, gear ratios, etc. are not worth the risk of messing with. If it were me and I was planning to keep the camper long term, I'd replace either a pair or all four, much like tires!Re: Atwood electric Camper jackWhen you say "skip" do you mean mechanically or just cutting out electrically? One of our Atwood jacks was working intermittently over a period of months and then just stopped altogether. Tried checking all the usual suspects. Turned out to be extremely dirty contacts on the plug. Used a 3/16" SS bottle brush to clean the female side and a SS tooth brush to clean the male side then coated with dielectric grease and all is well!Re: Anything in Kitchen Wall?I don't have the 1172 Lance but if you go to the "Lance Owners of America" forum and post you may get a better response to your Lance brand specific questions!
GroupsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Apr 19, 201944,027 Posts