All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMHey hello old acquaintances - It's been a long time since I sold my RWS3400. We were without a rig for some time (college and life) but jumped back in about a year and a half ago. Not sure if you'll remember me but I'm the one that started this "forum" way back. I have been checking in now and then to see how these rigs have been holding up. Pleased to see that mostly it's maintenance items with few bigger issues tossed in there. The main reason for my visit and posting today is that I just found out that the gent that purchased my RWS is now looking to sell it. I have no interest in the sale other than maybe helping someone out that may be looking for a clean unit. It appears he has kept very good care of it. If you know anyone interested it's located in Travers City, MI. Hope everyone is well and enjoying their Warriors! Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMHowdy folks! Been gone for quite a while but so glad to see you've all kept this going. Theo - good to see you're still here - and RZR - kmiller - ronfisherman - hi guys. As you might have guessed, or maybe I mentioned it, we had sold our RWS3400 and moved into newer units and am truly regretting that move! Nothing we've had since the Warrior has been built with the quality I've come to expect. So here I am looking to find another RWS. If anyone knows of one for sale anywhere - and I have been looking to no avail - please message me. I'd love to get mine back :) Well - hope all is well, everyone is healthy, and hopefully the new year will get us a new fresh slate.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMHey true rider - welcome and congrats on your purchase! Sounds like you're doing it right - start with all fluids and filters! I did the same thing upon getting my RWS home. Changed ALL fluids to synthetic so there's no worries. Costly but long lasting. I have my owner manual stored in pdf format if you'd like a copy. I don't have an RWT but most systems should be alike. PM me your email address and I'll send it. I am in the process of selling my rig now but have all manuals that came with the rig. If you'd like copies I can do that. Is there any particular manual you'd like? So tell me something - a quick search and I found a conversion for CN to US currency. You mentioned you paid 180g. Is that 180,000 dollars Canadian? If so it would equate to $145,000 US? And it needed work?Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMSee Theo - that's the beauty of being out in the west. My rig still has the cover on it and the snow pile in front of it is now finally down to less than a foot. I don't remember if I mentioned it last spring but I changed out my tires then, a second time! Year before I had switched out to another brand, other than the OE Michelins, and hard the ride. Thought I was saving some money but created more headaches and trips to get balanced than they were worth. Went back to Michelins (worth every Pennie in my book) and have the original ride back. In hindsight I should have not been so cheap and stuck with the michelins from the start. When the. Over comes off its time to do a major cleaning and get my baby on the market. We've enjoyed her over the last 5 years but life changes are putting our camping trips on hold for awhile. If you know anyone looking for a pristine RWS hit me up. I'll still lurk and post just won't have the rig.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMI think, if we don't sell the rig, that the hole will be filled with another unit should it fail badly.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMCan't say I've had any issues with the stabilizers. I remember reading in the manual (Ive read every manual it came with) that's theres a system reset option. I think you have to hold two buttons down at the same time. If you don't have your manual and can't find it online let me know and I'll go out and get mine It seems Jensen is the preferred audio supplier for quite a few manufacturers. I've had issue with my tilt screen not working and having to push the in out button several times to mKe it work.. I think it's just ok and there are many alternatives available depending on your wants needs and expectations.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMYes loose wires have been reported a few times. Enough that I would certainly look there first. You may also check the outlet that the microwave is plugged in to. It's somewhat accessible from the outside trash can door. Be safe and make sure you're not plugged in to shore power or have the generator running when you do this. I have my rig covered for the winter otherwise I'd go in to see how to acces the back of the breaker panel. If I had to guess though - I would think the breaker panel trim cover comes off from the front to access the breakers. May be held on with screws or just some simple spring clips. Let us know you're findings! Good luck.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMYes I actually got my new head for free too. They made a design change because they were breaking easily. I found a local carefree dealer who ordered the part for me and allowed me to change it myself - saving the labor charge. I just had to give him back the old part so he could return it. I wondered where you said you were pushing in the pin if you meant one or both. They are a bugger to push in for sure. Ask here before bringing it in for servicing. We may have run into the same problem and it could be an easy fix before you go spending your hard earned money on labor and such. Good luck!Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMHi Kevin - the awnings are made by Carefree of Colorado. The exact model and serial Nber can be found on the forward arm of the awning. If you open the awning up you'll find a white tag stuck on the underside of the front arm. I can make a copy of my manual and email it if you'd like. For the time being though, you're on the right track with the adjustment. You need to push both pins in at the same time, they are a bugger and I would suggest using two Phillips screwdrivers to push with before your fingers take a nasty pinch, and slide the arm to adjust it. Word of caution on the motorized head on that arm. Be sure all screws are tight! Mine loosened up and caused the gearing to go bad. Components are not available! Head assembly only - for over $300! A little maintenance on that each year (pull apart, lube, tighten up) will go a long way.Re: Calling all Road Warrior owners - RWS, RWT, RWMGood info - thank you.