All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingOkay. Been a while, mostly because the dealer doesn't charge storage when I leave with them even after it's been fixed so I left it there for awhile. I picked up the trailer today. Here's what they did. Upgraded the batteries with a fresh pair of Lifeline batteries. Installed the batteries in a lockable metal battery box that looks literally bullet proof. Installed a Bogart controller and the companion Trimetric monitor. And much to my surprise, they installed a new 2nd solar panel. I'd asked for the better batteries, the controller and the Trimetric but they threw in the battery box and the 2nd solar panel as well. None of this cost me a dime. Zero. Nada. Noit. Service manager told me the whole situation was embarrassing and it was the least they could do for all the hassle. He also mentioned that with labor they had put about $8,000 with the upgrades into making things right . He also said that the reason they never thought about the controller is the guy who did the original install was a master electrician and it never occurred to them he wouldn't have installed a controller. That person was fired a while back. As I told him, my grandma, who raised me, always said, "Everybody screws up. That's why they have erasures on pencils. When you make a mistake admit the mistake, apologize,and do everything you can to make things right." I have to say all the boxes were checked on this one. I now have a system that I think is about as good as money can buy. We're going to take it out for a weekend shakedown dry camp in a couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone for all your help. The knowledge I gained was invaluable in getting what I wanted from the dealer and I'm sure will be well useful in the future.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingInformed the service manager of the situation. He was very apologetic. He's offered to give me new batteries and a solar controller free of charge. All well and good but not enough in my view for the hassle and time spent. They used #10 wire from the panel to the back of the breaker, maybe 8'. The run to the controller, if installed in the forward storage bin, will be in the neighborhood of 30'. I think perhaps a bigger cable is in order, especially if in the future I should want to add a 2nd panel. I think they sell Zamp controllers but from what I've read a Morningstar is a better unit. Currently, the cable from battery to inverter/charger is I think #2 and is 5'-6'. Labeling isn't really clear. Has 32mm squared in brackets. Might be 33. Have to see if that is large enough. And then of course the Trimetric. Though I hesitate that they can install one correctly. I'll look up the install myself and relay that info and check that is what gets done. Anything else y'all might suggest? We're basically doing a rewire and installing a controller and a Trimetric. I'm going to assume they'll do all this free of charge. If not, I'll be asking , why not?Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingAlso, the battery bank is down to well under 12 volts. Should I hook up the trickle charger straight away and get it back up to 14+ before taking the trailer back to the dealer? Should I reconnect the OEM converter at the fuse panel before taking it back? Seems like I might over charge the batteries again if I reconnect the OEM converter which is direct connected to the solar panel.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingSo, when told I couldn't find a solar controller where he suggested and asked if he was sure a solar controller was installed, the service manager replied, "No". He sent a picture of a Zamp controller, said it should be in a different place that first suggested and asked if it was there. It isn't. On the off chance they had put it some place really stupid and to continue tracing the wiring from the solar panel I pulled the fuse/breaker panel out and determined that the wiring from the solar panel is hard wired into the fuse panel. The wiring comes into the back of the panel and pretty sure comes through to the two connections marked "battery pos" and "battery neg" as shown on the wiring diagram. 10 AWG was printed on the outside insulation. This would say to me that the solar was wired direct to the OEM converter with no solar controller and be the reason for the overcharging. Would have to go back to Handy Bob's blog to check if the correct gauge wire was used. About to get back to the service manager with a cruise missile but want to get my ducks in a row when I start demanding a correct installation with specific directions as to what should have been done. I might just forward him the Handy Bob blog.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingDidn't realize PMs were blocked. I've changed that setting now. I'm becoming all too aware I should have done my research before getting the solar system installed. I'm terrible at most anything to do with tools. I actually do a happy dance any time I can actually fix something. Doing the install myself was a non-starter. The service manager who put the system together for me told me that he has a cabin that over four years he installed a complete solar grid and seemed to know what he is talking about. I'm beginning to think, since he doesn't actually do the work, that he just left the install to the minions who didn't have a clue and may have just faked their way through it. I'll never know. I'm going out sometime today to pull the fuse panel on the off chance they stuck the controller back there. I suspect not and if it isn't then there is no doubt a controller was never installed and we'll take it from there. Questions WILL be raised.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingIt has been my experience that sometimes people with experience can inform better than the manual. So... the world's longest question... According to the manual the Xantrex automatically switches off from inverter mode when shore power is detected and from shore to inverter when shore power is not present. It would appear generally one doesn't have to shut it off when out and about. However, how much does the Xantrex drain from the battery if inverter is left on with no other drain, say when the trailer is in storage? Should one be able to turn on and forget it most of the time, only having to turn off when in storage or some other situation with no shore or no sun for an extended period? Or should the Xantrex be shut off whenever connected to shore power allowing the OEM converter to do it's thing on it's own?Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over Chargingtime2roll - Thanks for sticking with me. I heard back from the service manager. He sent a picture of a Zamp controller,exactly what I was searching for, and said it should have been included in the solar kit. Said I should have found it above the sink area. There is only one space where it would fit and it sure wasn't there. On an off crazy chance, I even looked inside the cabinets where I should have seen it just in the course of putting away dishes. All things considered, I'm almost willing to bet good money they never installed it. Do I read you right that normally turning the inverter and the converter on and off should not be necessary but because the wiring may have been screwed up that is what would be necessary to prevent the excessive battery drain? If the solar has been routed through the fuse panel to the OEM converter with no controller in the path would disconnecting the OEM converter by disconnecting that "converter pos" wire remove the solar from the equation and thus stop the overcharging? I'm also keeping in mind back at the beginning when I first turned on the system after the original install and it fried TV, inverter/converter, and I think even the batteries. That would kind of indicate a complete lack of competence in the first place which could well have been repeated when they replaced everything. We even discovered that the new TV they installed isn't connected to the on board stereo system any longer so you can only use the TV speakers instead of being able to switch "rooms" or to the outside speakers. Cluster **** is a phrase the comes to mind.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingI asked if it was possible that the solar was connected to the OEM converter. If so, I was aware it would be through the fuse/breaker box. I'll take the panel out and have a look tomorrow. I wonder why, if the controller is something that one would normally monitor or need access to change settings or whatever, they would put it our of sight and not particularly easy to get at? BTW, Ive left the OEM converter disconnected at the panel. Should I hook it up again? Maybe I'm missing something but I seem to be getting conflicting info as to whether having two converters could be a problem. I texted the service manager earlier. I've had a pretty good relationship with him in the past. I asked the make and model of the solar controller and where I might find it. He didn't reply with make and model but did say it was either in the cabinet next to the fridge, i.e. the pantry, or in the closet next to the bed. It is in neither location and is not in the storage bin under the bed where the Xantrex lives. I texted him the result of the search and asked if could be behind the breaker/converter panel and was he positive a controller had actually been installed. Been several hours and no reply.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingOpened fridge panel. Wiring from solar panel does appear to drop through there. I can only assume it is wired into the OEM converter, which is currently disconnected. See photo: We seem to be narrowing things down to the possible lack of a solar controller and perhaps wrong gauge wiring used on the install. If with the info I've been able to supply that seems like a fairly certain proposition it raises a couple of questions. I paid over four grand for the panel, Xantrex, conversion from 12 to 2x6 volt AGM batteries, and labor involved for the install. It's never worked correctly and it's been suggested that between the rating of the panel, 150 watts, and the amps of the batteries 192a, that even if working correctly would not give me the 2-3 days off grid running lights, TV, and one outlet for computer or cell phone charging no matter what. In my view, paying extra to a third party is not something I should have to do. The dealer should put things right free of charge and perhaps even offer me something for the time and trouble. Problem is I have little faith in them anymore. So, questions: Should I get the mobile RV guy, who was helpful on the phone, to come out and verify the problems with the install so that I am armed with specific confirmation of the problem when I go to the dealer and demand that the problem be sorted and that I be reimbursed for the mobile RV guy? Or, should I just pay the mobile guy to fix it and be done with the dealer altogether? Again, the battery bank was charged up to just over 14 volts with the trickle charger but then dropped to 12.7 overnight with no shore power and the OEM converter that the solar panel may be wired into disconnected. It's stayed at 12.7 for a little over 24hours with nothing running except the OEM stereo on standby. Fridge and lights off. TV unplugged.Re: Xanrex Inverter/Charger Over ChargingI'm sorry if anyone feels I am just walking away and hoping it will fix itself. I've tried every piece of advice offered. I've disconnected the OEM converter as suggested. I've looked for a solar controller and can't find it. I thought I was charging the batteries when I connected to shore power for two days but it didn't seem to raise the voltage. I applied a trickle charger directly to the batteries but it read 12 volts and seemed to not being applying a charge according to it's little meter. Taking it off was a mistake. I've put it back on this morning and at least at the panel read out it's up to 12.8 after about an hour. I've gone up on the roof in an attempt to trace the cables from the panel. They make a short run to under a hood approximately above where the fridge is located. I can't not remove that hood as the screw are sealed in. I've looked in the pantry next to the fridge but they don't come through there. I can only assume perhaps they are connected to the fuse panel or the OEM converter. There may be a solar controller stashed behind the panel but to find out I have to remove the panel. From references made to a solar controller I would have thought being able to see and changed settings would be normal. If that is true, stashing behind the breakers wouldn't make sense. As I mentioned, there is no mention of a solar controller on the invoice. Not having a clue how one designs the installation of these systems and relied on the dealership to know what they're doing I don't know if that is a really stupid mistake on their part or is a normal possibility. And yes, I've studied the manual. Something I did several times before asking for help here. It tells me how to change the settings but, other than battery type, does not tell me what the settings should be for any given application. If there's something I was advised to try and haven't, my apologies. Either I missed it or am just too dumb to comprehend. In any event, rather than annoy anyone any further I'll phone the dealer and see what they have to say about the solar controller and explain to me if they did not include one why not. If I get the usual run around I'll cough up the dough and get a mobile guy out here. Thank all of you for your time and effort in attempting to help me figure this thing out. Greatly appreciated. Learned quite a bit in the process but I guess not quite enough.
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